Chapter 45

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"babe i love you, you know that ?" Dime said

"Yeah, I love you more though" I whispered

She pressed her lips against mine and pulled me close

I pulled away and said " Dime weren't we in the middle of watching our daughter?" I asked

she giggled "so, she's sleeping " kissing up my neck as my back hit the wall and I heard crying

"saved by the bell, I'm gonna go feed her and bring her down" I laughed and Dime just laughed and came along....

"Bitch Wake up we ain't done just yet" Some strange man said as water was thrown over my naked body...a girl can dream. For the past week my dreams have been the only thing giving me hope..hope that I'll see my baby soon and the rest of my family

"sit up bitch" the stranger said and I was so out of it that I just sat up, I didn't have anymore fight left

"oh nothing smart to say?" he taunted and i just stared into his eyes with a blank expression

"Do you know why you here? Do you know what you did?" he asked and I shook my head no

"okay then lets start with my name, I'm Jerome. " he smirked and grimaced

"not much of a talker huh?" Jerome said and I stared at him blankly

"well, you're hear because you broke up my family! You're responsible for my fathers death" and I was confused

"how?" I grouched

" there she is speaking now. Ashley you're so called father killed mines because you're mother was a hoe! She was married and she met my dad...they fell in love but the only problem was she was married and still loved your father. Now you probably wondering what that has to do with you well , my dad and your mom conceived you and when your mom found out she was pregnant she told my dad and he knew you were for him. But she wanted to keep her marriage so she told her husband that you was for him and he found out you wasn't for him , when he saw the color of your face, your mom said you was for him but he wanted a DNA test and let's guess ?! YOU WAS FOR MY FATHER!!! Your moms husband killed my FATHER because of you!!!!" He yelled and I was silent...

so my whole life my Dad wasn't my dad? That's why he divorced my mom and gave me the cold shoulder and treated my baby sister like royalty...I was always jealous because I thought he loved her more...he just never loved me because I wasn't his...I'VE BEEN LIED TO MY ENTIRE LIFE. I NEVER EVEN MET MY actual father..

"so sis wassup " he said smugly ...I can't be related to this dude I don't believe him

"Liar,my mom would've told me about you and my alleged father " I rolled my eyes in disbelief

And then I felt a hard slap go across my face.

"I don't care what you believe because by the end of this week...your gonna be dead lil sis and if not dead your gonna be my prisoner with the guys...heard you got some good shit in between them legs" he smirked and I mentally barfed...Please not again

I stayed silent and I heard Zay one of the guys whos been gang raping me pull out this tabel with tools and household utensils...knives and screw drivers..a Hack saw ...huh guess imma die..what else I need to live for..Nobody is even here to save me.

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