Chapter 27

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Ash POV:
After my few days in the hospital,I went straight back to working in the trap with Cree. I've been out the hospital for about a week and haven't been home.
"Yo A c'mere?" Mia Said I followed her direction and she dropped 7 , Ten pound bags coke on the table.
"This needs to be taken care of,  the airplane ticket and address and gun is all in that brown bag , leave now " Mia demanded
"I'm not the person who does this. I take care of people problems not the drug issue" I said annoyed.
"Shoot me then A? Because imma be a problem that's needs fixing of you don't do what I say" Mia said and I pulled out the gun and pointed at her
"Okay" i said apathetically about to pull the trigger
"A i was just playing pit it down" Mia said looking like she finna shit herself
"And that's your fucking problem , I was hoping I got to use this today. To bad" I smirked
"You're heartless and Cold" Mia said
"My two best qualities nigga" I said laughing
"why?" Mia Said
"I don't got shit to live for." I said shrugging.
"....uh well don't take the drugs. I will take them", She said startled
I yuked my shoulders
"Ash" I heard cree call me I walked to her office and was greeted by the smell of weed
"Wanna hit?" Cree said passion me the blunt...I contemplated on it but just said fuck it and took it
And Inhaled
"Dime didn't show?" Cree said as i passed the blunt back
"She did" I said
"What'd she -" I cut her off and snatched the blunt
"she hates me, but I guess that's cool" i said alil buzzed
"Fix it?" Cree said
"She dont want nothing to do with me ets a fact bruh" I said laughing and hitting the blunt
"Whatever man" She said as i passed the blunt back to her and grabbed a bottle of Hennessy and Chugged it. Then another . Then another. I was way drunk when I got finished
"Gimme the keys I'm rey go home" I said slurring my words
"Here" Cree said passing my keys to me and I walked out and got in my car and started the engine then I saw Tempers creepy ass at my window
"Whaattt doo youh want?" I asked laughing
"I'm driving , move before I move you" She said Sternly
"No" I said and I felt my body hit the passenger door and felt my butt hit the seat as I hissed
"I told you to move" Temp said  as she started the engine I heard my phone go off and  but Temper took my phone. Answered it on speaker.
Phone conversation
"Hello" Temper said
"Uh..uhm?" I heard the familiar voice before they hung up
End of conversation
Torrence POV:
I went to go check on Dime, When I finally get there I walked up to her door and took the spare key and unlocked the door and came in.
I heard loud .music playing and the stench of sex filled the air.
I heard broken down moans as o walked upstairs they got louder as I walked to Dimes door. I listened first
"Awhhhh fuck yess right there" I heard the unidentified female say through the door . I opened the door slowly and walked in quietly and satin her chair for five minutes before they knew I was there
"Dime look" the girl Said quickly covering herself. Whole Dime gave me the bitch face
"Having fun huh? Who's this" I said grimacing
"Amanda, i dont know some shit" Dime said yuking her shoulder
"Ella" the girl Said getting out of the bed and putting her clothes on
"Don't forget your panties on the way out Ella" I said smirking at her
"Bro what the fuck!!! Why are you here? Aint you supposed to be babysitting Ash stupid ass?" Dime said annoyed
"Well that's why I came , I thought you'd know where she at, she hasn't been answering her phone and haven't been home since she got out the hospital" I said
"and I care  because? I know how?" She gave me a duh like expression
"Fuck it I shouldn't have come, you just don't give two fucks about her , if she dies, of she okay if she safe or nothing , continue to fuck your groupies. Delete my bestfriends number out your phone. Claim you so inlove with her while yall together but quickly out of love with her and not giving a fuck. You never did love her did you ? Don't even fuckin answer" I said yelling at her and gettin in her face and she raised her hand like she was gonna hit me.
"Go ahead bitch.Go ahead hit me.  Beat me, do whatever you need to do Bitch" I yelled in her face and she picked me up and threw me into the wall and I got up
"Lee did worst than" I said  and she punched me in the face
" My momma hit harder" I said and she took me by my hair and banged my head in the wall. I knew my nose and cheek was broken bc i heard a crack.
"That all you got" I said and she took me by throat choked and punched me over and over until my vision got blurry
"You a bitch" I said and she dropped my body on the floor and start kicking me everywhere in my body, then she started stomping my head and stomach in as I coughed up blood
"You still a bitch" I said before she stomped on my head one last time before blacking out
Cree POV:

Torrence said she was going to check in Dime, but that was three hours ago.  I hope she's okay .I keep call and her phone goes to voice mail. So I sped off to Dimes house and I saw the door open, it was dead silent. I saw my babies car out front. As I walked in I smelt sex . Dont assume Cree.
I walked into dime room to see my baby layed out on the floor blood everywhere. I panicked looked for her pulse
"I'm fine babe, Its my fault don't be mad at her. Just take me home" Torrence said
"Please babe just take me home" Torrence said and I did just that
Imma kill her ass
Dime POV:
After what I did to Torrence I felt so bad. That's how she wants me to feel, I guess that's why she didn't hit back. I went to Ash house and I knocked on her door and she answered, and I shoved her into the house and kissed her roughly while riping her boxers off and immediately attacking her clit with the base of my fingertips, she hissed at this interaction
"St...stop" she whimpered out
I didn't listen I just started sucking on her neck as I used one hand to fondle her breast through her shirt, while I used my free hand to forcefully shove two fingers into her heat.
"Fuckk. Stoop" Ash said breathing heavily.
Then I start pumping my fingers in and out of her quickly
"Stop it now" she Said regaining control of her body and pushing me off of her.
"What" I said
"I'm not your play thing , Dime. " Ash said  lowly while walking to her room and coming back down with sweats , and walking past me going in her fridge  pulling out a bottle of Amsterdam and pulling the bottle to her lips and taking a swig as she sunk into the kitchen floor.
"Leave" she Demanded
"Fine" I said I walking out and as soon as I walked out I heard the lock turn  and her sobbing, and glass being shattered. Should I stay or go? Stay and go help her, you know you love her.
I left her there as i drove off back to my house. Asshole , You're an Asshole ,. I noticed . I thought. I feel bad I guess. But I feel worse for doing Torrence like that...
Ash POV pt 2:
As I felt the cold alcohol going down my throat , I thought about death for the first time .
Who'd care if I'd died anyway? Nobody. I'm absolutely right... who'd care.i continued to drink the drink I didn't break before blacking out Intl what seemed like an endless sleep
Dimes behavior?

Ash behavior?

Torrence beat down necessary?

Dimes Ass is Grass when Cree finds her?


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