Chapter 46

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Ms.Krista POV

"Why the fuck you back?" I groaned to Jerome

"I told you. I got my payback. Even tho I had a minor setback. I heard ypur daughter has some-" slapped him before he finished the rest

"She's your sister Rome. Why her? She didn't even have nothing to do with me and your father." I breathed out

"She has everything to do with it. He wanted a relationship with her that you denied. " Jerome said

Im starting to get more angry. I thought all my past indiscretions where in the closet. I slapped him oit of frustration

"Frustrated are we? Now I know where Ash gets her anger problems from"  he taunted ads my skin started to turn red

"I was married" I said

"And nobody told you to fall in bed with my dad. Now did we?"He said

"Look Jerome. Your Father well..y'alls father isn't dead. I kmow where he is. He got shot in the chest and when I was in the hospital with him. We faked his death so my Now Ex-husband didn't come for him again" I sighed as all the memories of Klouse came to mind...I miss him. But I do not want him anymore.

"Hello? What are you thinking about?" Jerome cut my thoughts off

I said nothing

"Come Kris let me out this chair. We go way back. And I can't hurt you if I wanted to" He was sincere

"Nomore going for your sister..but I dont think she'll ever forgive you. What they did to her ...was sick" I said as I uncuffed him

"Fine. But first tell me where MY dad is.?" He asked as he got up and invaded kybpersonal space

"What are you..-" he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back

"I couldn't hurt you either...seriously anyway. Despite everything in the past you where like my son." I sighed as I pulled away

"Im sorry" He put his head down. When I look at Jerome I see the sweet little boy from awhile ago still. I know what you may think..I'm being to soft with him. Well I got something for him. I got his Father back, of course i told him what he did.  I know Klouse will...handle him best believe but I just can't do it

I heard the door..must be him.

"Hello son" Klouse  eyed me until Jerome turned around

Jerome stared at him and then went up to his dad.

"I missed you" Jerome says

"I wish I could say the same. I miss my SON. My son was gentleman, respectable, caring , loving, and the most FORGIVING person I know. I don't know who I'm staring at now. But I know what I'm looking at ..the worst copy of my SON that died years ago. Jerome is it? How dare you do what you did to my DAUGHTER. You had her gang raped over and over again then you torture her. HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? A son of mine wouldn't do that. But wait I don't have one anymore. I can't forgive you for this. I may not know Ashley but I do know what type of person she is. If she's anything like me she won't forgive you for what you did. But that day won't come" Klouse said and Jerome's eyes started to water I saw a piece of him die

Klouse pulled out a gun

"You hurt my blood. You die by blood" Klouse said

"But D-" BOOM! BOOM!

"Krista our daughter needs. She knows by now and is probably angry with you. I Love You " Klouse sighed as he went to pick up Jerome's lifeless body

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