Chapter 17:

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*Kehlani in media*
Syd POV:
After all that crazy shit with the love of my life and her girlfriend, I went the bar. Yes I'm old enough to drink I'm Kizzy age.
"Hey pretty woman , why ya hea' all alone in a beautiful evening like this" the pretty bartender said
"To not be sad...In this terrible dumpster fire we call the world"I said going back to earlier events.
"Who's the unlucky guy or girl " the bartender said
"Kiz...We where engaged..To be fucking married"I said tearing up. I heard the bar door open
"Room for one more Syd" I heard Kizzy say
"Why are you here not tending to your bitch" u said lowly tearing up, looking at my hands and she picked up my left hand
"You still wear it" Kizzy asked
"I still love you Kizzy Rivera, but you don't love me...So go back to your whore"I said
"I fucking love you woman" Kizzy said grabbing my hands gently
"Then why Kizzy .. Why? Was I not enough?" I said crying and hold her shoulders.
"Because I'm a asshole , a bat shit crazy fucker who didn't see how much of a great woman she had , and i own it just like I'm owning this" Kizzy said pulling me into a heated kiss.
"Fuck Kizzy" I said lowly Pulling away and walking away
"You always fucking run away Sydney. I want you , not her I always will she was just my distraction from my craving for you," Kizzy said getting on her knees
Ash POV:
"Dime I'm going to work don't eat my vanilla ice cream lord gayness" I said
"Fine" Dime said laughing
If dime found out my job is be fucked . She can't know that I'm Cree's right hand man. I walked into the trap
"Right hand where ya at? I asked and a couple naked hoes showed me where  Cree was at
"Yo Cree , did you get the Lunch to them niggas" I said . lunch is drugs 
"Yea ," Cree said
"So you have them 25 grand worth of heroin but only got 10 g's back ? Boss where the niggas that sold the shit at?"I said now angry
"So you mean to tell me I have 15 g's missing?, Where my money at A?" Cree said
"Ask your niggas I gotta go , Torrence needs me to do some, she said if I see to tell you she miss you , now bye" I said leaving the trap.
I gotta go find August and Dez , I need my money on time . So they needa run me them 15 g's
Dime POV:
Ash left in such a hurry this morning...Was the sex bad? Nahhh. She probably has work.
She never told where she works...Does it really matter where she works? I guess not
I was taken out my thoughts when I felt a cold breath on my shoulder, I turned around so quick about to punch
"Babe quit it's me " Ash said
"You scared me nigga back up" I said pushing her slightly
"Who's daddy?" She said
"Me" I said
"Nah you ain't you always tapping out , and calling me it "Ash said smirkin, I heard the door open and it was Torrence.
"Club tonight?" She said /asked
"Hell yeah" I said
Torrence POV:
I've been bitchy because I've been horny and stuff and like really really sick , like I throw up every morning.Cree been thinking I'm pregnant ...And bugging me about it, I mean how?Duh bitch you where raped when you where kidnapped by that crazy bitch not only by her but her niggas. Ugh let's take these test Cree been leaving all over the house.
I took a the test and waited for 10 mins and I went to check and my heart broke...Nah let's take another there's no way. So I took all of them back to back and they all read the same results... Positive.what the hell am I gonna do with a baby. What Cree gon think. FUCK man .
Phone Convo
"Babe" I said scared
"What's wrong princess" Cree said concerned
"I..I'm... Pregnant" I said jus above a whisper
"Repeat" Cree's said.
"I'm pregnant" I said louder. And she gasped
"That's great...I support it , and i support you" Cree said
End of Conversation
Kizzy POV:
"Ahhh fuck Kizz right there" Sydney screamed scratching at my back I knew she was at her peak when her pussy clenched around my dick
"Ahhh fuck Syd" I said pounding myself into her quickly I was close to my climax . Her body jerked from underneath me
"Kizzzzzzyyyyyyy" she moaned into an orgasm mines came right after hers...
"Kizzy did you just cum in me?" Syd said out of breath
"Yes " I said
"Ion even care nomo, can I leave" Syd said
"Why?" I said
"Why do I need to stay Kizzy " Syd said
"Because I love you "
"And I want to believe you, " Syd said
" Don't take no plan B Sydney" I said
"Why ? Girl I need that shit . You might be a girl but you still got a Peter that can get a person pregnant" Syd said laughing
"I want you to have my baby"I said
"A baby? No. We ain't even together . Pass me my purse now please" Syd said and passed her ..Her purse
"Be with me" I said
"You a player Kizzy Rivera", Syd said in my face while taking her pill
"Slow?"I asked and she sighed
"Get rid of her and we'll talk, I got to go , Keh wants me to meet her at her SSS your stop today" Syd said
"You know Kehlani???!!!How?" I asked
"Ash is her cousin . If you wanna come get dressed now Kizz and handle your friend that's standing up at attention" Syd said hopping in the shower
Kehlani POV:
"Baby where you at " I Called for Robyn.
"Righ' hea babe Were' ta Hair pins" Robyn asked
"I don't know just fix me up Rob!! Damn, my cousin is coming to see me before I get on stage , Sydney is already here," I said frantically
"Damn Mamí ya look'n good " Rob said eye balling me
"Robyn Rihanna Fenty.! Focus , I know I'm fine" I said getting her space. I heard her singing the radio come on and start singing it to her
"Must be loveeee on the brain " I sang
"Shut up ma , Ash is hea'" she said laughing kissing me
"Heyy Nami, Hey Rob" I heard my Ash say
"Hey boo" Rob said  I heard yelling and screaming
"What ta' hell?" Robyn said and me and Ash ran to see what it was
"Oh it's just the camera fell it'll be okay " Ash said
"Where's Dime thought I would meet here " I said
"She's sick" she lied
"Mhm" I said
"Wat" she said
"Are you ashamed of her because she a stud" I asked and she hung her head low
Ash ashamed?

Dime and Ash?

Keh and Rob?

Opinions on Syd and Kizzy?

Ash a dope dealer?

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