Chapter 44

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So this chapter is going to be going into present and past events within and two week span ..just a heads up


2 weeks earlier


After that night me and Dime been at it constantly . Fucking here , there, wherever the time came into play we was fucking ...I wasn't complaining I been stressed about this Naomi chick..she's...kinda off to me. Dime and Torrence say that i'm just not use to her yet but that's not the case ...she seems like she's on some fishy shit! But let's not start with her today is the day I come out to the family about me not being dead! I hope this goes well..well hopefully they'll be happy about me being alive and not in some dirty casket decaying somewhere.

I walk into my house and everyone stares at me and I grow silent and uncomfortable as I stare upon my mother, my sister, Kehlani, Dez , Tai ,Cree, Kizzy and Sydney. I stare at Sydney for the longest though she seems as if she was gonna cry and I started to say something but she raised her hand up for me to hush. She walked up to me slowly and tuched my face

"How?" she silently whispered as she continued to touch my face and scan me. I said nothing knowing that if I did she'd go off. Out of everybody besides my mom , sister and Torrence ; the two people that my apparent "death' hit the hardest was Sydney and Cree.

After a long pause Sydney hugged me and cried and I hugged back and said " I missed you Syd and I'm sorry " and she sighed and pulled away and then I saw Cree and she stood there in front of me dead silent every ones eyes was glued to me and Cree she looked like she was going to beat my ass

"My nigga!! Come here Sus . I missed you man" Cree said as she embraced me

"I missed you two" and I heard someone clear they're throat and looked over to the rest of the fam and I said "bring it in " with my hands in a hug motion and they all came up to me and hugged me. And I pulled away
"Momma. I love you and you deserve more than a sorry for what I pit you through" I frowned and she sighed and held my face in her hands

"It's okay. I understand why you did it. I dont agree with what you did but you are MY daughter for fuck sakes" My mom laughed smiling

I heard a knock on the door and Dime went to get it

"My nigga Temp" She dapped Temper

"Was good? I brought the lady too come here Naomi" I heard Temper say and I mentally rolled my eyes..just had to bring this bitch

2 weeks after (present time)

Dime POV

"Look I DONT GIVE A SHIT !!FIND MY WOMAN!!" I hung up the phine angrily

My fucking Wife been missing for a full fucking week!!!! Im so worried about her She went missing around the ti.e the family was here Nobody knows where she is's almost as if she fell off the FUCKING GRID. Pleasegod let my baby be okay..please she's been through enough Don't let her suffer like foreal man please

"D chill out we are gonna find her "Temper sighed...I know how she is taking this ...she's taking this as hard as I am she will go to war behind Ash hell I would to...but her and Temper bond is some else...Ash would die for Temper and Temper would do the same. Ni they aint fucking around I aint worried about that because me and Ash solid as fuck...but I know how Temper is taking this she mad as fuck but she tryna stay cool to keep me cool you digs?

"I know but when? When will we find my baby? When!!!" I yelled and she looked at me and sighed again

"Here eat this it'll calm you down real quick" She said handing me a sucker and I looked at her

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