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"Down, up! Side to side- don't forget hips!"

Xiumin bit his lip in concentration as he danced. His instructor watched with eagle eyes as she danced with him.

"Watch your arms- there we go! Perfect!"

Xiumin smiled happily as he spun around, feet stepping professionally. His instructor simply stopped to marvel, a smile on her face. Xiumin smiled back and struck the end pose just as the music finished.

"Beautiful! Amazing! You're doing better every day!" She high-fived him, grinning widely.

Someone cleared their throat and Xiumin turned to see Chen, looking slightly sour.

"Oh, hi!" Xiumin ran over, grinning. "Did you see me, I-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, you ready?"

Xiumin flinched at his tone. "Y-Yes, why-"

"Good. Thanks Cherry," Chen called, and dragged Xiumin out. Xiumin struggled slightly to keep up until Chen came to a screeching stop in an elevator.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiumin pouted, rubbing his wrist.

"Nothing. I'm-"

The elevator suddenly lurched. Chen looked around, confusion as the lights flickered. Xiumin frowned too, but the elevator lurched again. Xiumin grabbed the rail to stay on his feet. It quickly stopped, but they both knew they weren't moving.

Xiumin frowned and pressed the alarm button. "Damn, what's-"

"No, no no no no no!" Chen gasped, panicking. "Oh my goodness, what the hell, what's going on?!"

"Calm down!" Xiumin said, confused. "We're OK."

"For now! Who knows what's gonna happen- oh, no!" Chen gasped for air, clutching the rail. "Does anyone know we're here, what if they don't, oh my god! We're gonna die, crap, crap!"

"Hey, hey, calm down!" I snapped, grabbing his face and forcing him to look me in the eye. "Listen to me, we're OK and it's going to stay that way!"

"No, we can't stay here..." Chen slumped to the floor, gasping while clutching his heart. "Oh my goodness, we're done for..."

Xiumin's expression softened and he sat down too, snuggling close to Chen.

"It's OK, it's all going to be over soon," Xiumin mumbled. They both relaxed against each other.

After an hour of peaceful conversation, the elevator moved again. They came home holding hands and Xiumin excitingly told everyone what happened. Chen was strangely quiet, though smiled along to what everyone talked about. Xiumin found it strange and finally investigated when everyone went to their own rooms for the night.

"OK you doof, what're you smiling about?" Xiumin scolded lightly as they curled up together.

"I haven't had a proper conversation with you in so long," Chen mumbled. "You hang out with so many other people, it makes me upset. You hang out with Cherry more than you do with me, and I was getting worried. So that hour in the elevator showed me how much you still love me."

Xiumin smiled and pecked Chen's lips. "I'll always love you, no matter what."

Chen smiled back and nuzzled his cheek. "I will always love you as well."

They fell asleep in each other's arms, both smiling softly.

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