chapter 11

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The blonde walked into the once empty room, her body jumped slightly when the door shut behind her. She took a seat in one of the hard metal chairs that were facing the door and waited.

A few minutes later, the blonde heard chains clanging together, she looked up to see the dark-haired woman she came to visit, staring at her, a smirk growing on her face the further she walked towards the nervous woman.

The dark-haired woman took a seat in one of the chairs and sighed, "Hello Ashley, it's a pleasure seeing you here"

"I'm not here to catch up, I want an explanation" The blonde's voice was harsh, she felt her anger grow more and more every time she looked at her ex-girlfriend. "I think I deserve that"

"Well, I don't care what you think you deserve but since I have the time..."

Ashley waited painfully for the dark haired woman to explain. She quickly grew impatient when the dark-haired woman didn't speak. "I know you have the time but I really don't"

Amber chuckled. "Fine, I'm feeling generous today. What do you want to know?"

The blonde quickly wiped her hands on her jeans and sighed. "Why did you use me?"

Amber furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Why did you want me to be apart of your twisted plan? Why couldn't you just get to Shay another way? Why did you have to involve me?"

The brown-eyed girl let out a laugh. "Oh, honey. Did you really think you were that special? You were my only way to get closer to Shay"

Ashley sighed in frustration when she felt tears running down her cheeks. "I-I loved you. Are you really that crazy to play with somebody's feeling's like that?"

"Well, we all go a little crazy sometimes" Amber smirked, standing up. The scraping of the metal chair against the floor filling the silence. "Well, I've had fun. But, I'm bored now so..."

Ashley's eyes widened in panic as she quickly stood up. "No! Y-You can't... You can't just leave. Maybe we can get you help? The doctors here must be giving you some medication"

Amber turned her head and let out a dark chuckle. "Oh my god. You still love me, don't you?"

Ashley looked down at her feet, nervously. "I... I just want to help you. You were such a nice person when we were together"

"Honey, that's called acting. I'm quite good at it" Amber replied, smirking.

The blonde let out a sigh. "Please leave the girls alone, I don't care about me but... they mean the world to me and I hate seeing them hurt"

Amber rolled her eyes at how pathetic the girl looked. "You really think I'm going to stop now? Honey, I plan to kill every single one of you when I get out. Good luck"

Ashley wiped away her tears. It had only been two hours since the party and she hated how the girls wouldn't look at her. Well, except one.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Sasha asked, dropping the trash bag she was using to carry all the empty party cups. She immediately rushed over to her best friend and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I-I... I'm so sorry, please don't hate me"

Sasha felt her heart sink in her chest. She could never hate her, why would she think that? "Of course I don't hate you. I never could. The girls will calm down and soon everything will be back to normal"

Ashley shook her head. "It won't, soon we'll all be dead"

Sasha's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and her body tensed at the word 'dead', remembering just how close she was to that just hours before. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Amber's out now. Nothing and nobody will stop her" The blonde wiped away the tears that were still streaming down her cheeks. "When I visited her, she said she was going to kill us all"

A/N: dun dun dunnn. i know this is a short chapter but i have some good ass chapters coming soon. hope ya'll are prepared.

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