chapter 9

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"Why are you here?" Sasha asked, swallowing the anxiety she felt rising up.

"For revenge, silly" Amber began, still wearing that evil smirk that made the blonde shake with fear. "You see, all that time that I've spent in prison has really given me some time to think"

"Amber, please. You don't have to do this" The blonde begged, her eyes clouded with fear.

"Shut up! It's my turn to speak. After everything you've done to me, I think I deserve some time to explain myself, don't you?"

Sasha saw the girl pull a small black pistol out of the inside of her jacket and the blonde slowly backed away, her back instantly pressing against the wall. She scanned the room quickly to find something to protect herself with but she knew there was no point, she was trapped. She was trapped and she couldn't escape, just like last time.

"You've made my life a living hell! You took Shay away from me and you took my freedom away from me. How do you think that made me feel, huh? Being trapped inside of a hell hole while you could walk around free like you're an innocent woman. I'm the victim! Not you, me!"

The dark haired woman chuckled, scratching the side of her head with the pistol. "But I always get my way, just like my husband did with you"

Sasha's eyes widened, "Y-You know what he did to me?"

The dark-haired woman rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Of course I do, he's my husband after all. Anyways, I'm sure you're wondering how I escaped"

Amber groaned loudly and slumped back against the white prison wall that was behind her bed. She looked over to where her mom was stood, she was resting her body against the metal bars that kept the dark haired girl trapped inside the correctional facility. Amber's frustration quickly faded when she felt familiar arms wrap around her body.

"It's okay, darling. You'll be out of here soon, I promise"

The younger girl sighed and shook her head. "How? I still have two years left"

Wendy frowned, she hated seeing her daughter so upset. "I have a plan"

"You do? What is it?!" Amber replied, feeling her anger fade away fully and all she could feel now was a rush of excitement.

"The girls that put you here, well I've been doing some research on them and they're very fond of this cafe that I'm gonna start working at. I'm gonna get to know them and every time I have a shift here I'll tell you everything I know. Then I'll get you out of here. I can give you a spare prison guard uniform and we can get you far away from this horrible place"

"Now I'm here, with you. You wanna know what I thought about whilst I was in there?" Amber asked, not waiting for the timid blonde to answer. "I thought about all of the ways that I could kill you. I could use a knife and feel the way the blade twists inside of you as you scream out in pain"

"But, I could just use a gun and get it over with. Maybe in the head, but what's the fun in that? Or I could shoot you right here" The dark-haired woman grinned, kneeling down to press the gun against the left side of the blonde's stomach.

Amber chuckled when she saw Sasha squirm away from the metal pressing against her. Tears streamed down the blonde's cheeks and she quickly wiped them away.

"God, you're just so pathetic aren't you. I don't even know what Shay sees in you, you're nothing compared to me" Amber sighed, looking into the bathroom mirror and stroking her dark hair.

"Anyways, I had to go through an awful lot to get here but it'll all be worth it when I get to see the light leave your eyes"

Before Amber could speak, she was interrupted. "You really haven't thought this through, have you? You really think Shay will date you if you kill me? She doesn't love you and she never will"

"How dare you, you little-"

And then suddenly time stopped, it was as if everything was happening in slow motion. It was all just a blur, one second Amber was raising the gun towards her head and the next a bullet was shot.

The last thing Sasha remembered was screams coming from panicked guests downstairs and then it all went black.

A/N: i love cliff hangers, don't you?

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