chapter 7

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"Guys, I need your help" Shay proclaimed, dramatically falling onto Troian's black leather sofa.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked. "Do you need help with picking out sex toys again because I told you I'm not going back to that store"

The brunette rolled her eyes whilst a laugh escaped from Ashley's pursed lips. "What? No, of course not. Sasha's birthday is in three days and I still haven't planned the surprise party"

"Is it a costume party?" Troian asked, grabbing a notepad from her coffee table.

Shay thought for a moment. Sasha loved parties that you could dress up for, that's why her favourite holiday is Halloween. But, how could she explain to Sasha why she wanted her to wear a costume on her birthday.

"Wouldn't she figure it out though? Not all blondes are idiots, well except Ashley" Lucy added.

"Hey! I'm very smart" The blonde whined, crossing her arms.

"Okay smarty pants, name one element on the periodic table," Lucy asked, giggling when she saw the blonde go into deep thought.


Lucy rolled her eyes sarcastically. "That's easy, my five-year-old cousin could guess that"

Troian saw Shay getting slowly impatient and decided to interrupt. "Magnesium, now can we please get back to planning?"

"Of course you know that you're basically Einstein with a vagina" Ashley replied.

Shay shook her head laughing. "Guys, talking about vaginas and the periodic table won't get us very far"

"Right, how about you buy her a costume that she'll like and when she gets home from work, tell her to put it on and just say that you're going to a work thing" Troian announced, slightly proud of her idea.

"Troian you're a genius" Shay exclaimed. "This is why you're my best friend"

"Um, I take slight offense to that" Lucy interjected, her hand dramatically placed over her heart.

"I still love you" Shay replied.

"Wouldn't hurt to say it every once in a while"


It was the day of Sasha's birthday and Shay had just picked her up from work. The two sat in the brunettes car and Sasha couldn't help feel her anxiety build up the more she thought about how her girlfriend could have forgot her birthday.

"What are we doing tonight, are we just going out to dinner?" Sasha asked from the passenger seat, nervously fiddling with her fingers.

"I'm sorry babe, my boss is having a costume party tonight and I said I'd go. We can celebrate your birthday tomorrow" Shay responded.

"Oh," Sasha said, trying not to sound too disappointed. "That's okay, we can go to dinner tomorrow"

After they arrived home, Shay was struggling to contain her excitement. She couldn't wait to see the look on her girlfriend's face when everyone yells 'surprise'.

"Your costume and makeup are upstairs, baby" The brunette began. "We're going as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy"

Sasha let out a giggle and made her way up the staircase. "Thanks, babe"

After a couple of hours of getting ready, the two girls headed to the party. The brunette sent a quick text to Troian telling everyone to hide but to leave the lights on so it's not obvious.

"What are we doing here? I thought we were going to your boss's party" Sasha asked curiously.

"I just need to pick something up first"

The brunette took her girlfriends hand and entwined them, a smile spread on her face. When reaching the door, Shay knocked twice to let their friends know they were here.

Entering the house, the blonde looked inside the living room to see no one was there. Before the blonde could ask Shay where Troian was she was startled by everyone at the party jumping up from different hiding places and yelling surprise.

To say she was shocked was an understatement. The blonde struggled to say a full sentence.

"Surprise babe" Shay cheered, pulling her into a hug.

"You did this?" Sasha asked, confused.

The brunette grinned and nodded her head. "The girls helped too. Did you really think we wouldn't do anything for your birthday?"

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