chapter 4

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"Hurry, the movie starts in ten minutes" Ashley called out, rushing to the cinema whilst Sasha and Janel trail behind.

"We'll make it don't worry" Sasha laughed, picking up her speed. Sasha barely made it around the corner before colliding into a strangers chest.

"Sasha, what a nice surprise" The stranger smirked, his eyes roaming over the blonde's body. "Those jeans fit you really, really well"

"T-Tony?" Janel stammered, her breathing becoming unsteady.

"Hello, little girl. Did you miss me?"

Without thinking, Ashley's hand quickly clenched and her fist connected with the taller man's jaw. Tony stumbled backward slightly in shock. "You really shouldn't have done that"

"Bite me, asshole" The blonde spat. Ashley quickly grabbed the girls hands, pulling them away from the smirking man who was rubbing his jaw.

Tony chuckled and grabbed his phone from his back pocket and scrolled through his contacts. Once he found who he was looking for, he pressed call and held the phone up to his ear.

After a few rings, they finally picked up.

"Did you find them?" Wendy's voice echoed in the blonde's ear.

"Of course, but Ashley sure can throw a punch" He chuckled, wincing when he touched the sore spot.

"We want to rile them up, don't we?" The older woman asked. "Make sure you do your job and the plan will run smoothly"

After the movie ended, the three girls decided to drive back to Sasha and Shay's house for a drink.

"Babe, I'm home" Sasha called, kicking her shoes off and pushing them to the side with her foot.

"We're upstairs" The blonde heard. Although she was confused, Sasha walked up the staircase, her best friends following close behind her.

Entering the master bedroom, the three girls saw Troian and Shay surrounded by pieces of wood and screws.

"Hey, I tried to get it done before you were home" Shay sheepishly greeted, stopping the small drill she was using.

"It's okay, what are you building?" Sasha asked, giggling at Troian who was wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Your girlfriend decided to buy another bedside table because apparently, you need one" Troian sighed, the brunette next to her nudged her arm with her elbow, clearly offended.

"She does, she likes to read at night so she needs somewhere to put a lamp"

Sasha's heart almost skipped a beat at how thoughtful her girlfriend really was. The blonde was actually surprised that Shay paid attention to little details.

"So, we ran into Tony at the cinema" Ashley blurted, causing Shay to drop the drill and the bag of screws. Her smile fell into a frown and her eyebrows furrowed in displeasure.

Sasha could tell she was trying to hide her anger by the way her knuckles were almost white from clenching, but everyone knows she isn't good at controlling her temper.

"What?" Shay barked, standing up and brushing her hands on her jeans.

"Babe, calm down. I just bumped into him and... and rocky over here punched him" Sasha reassured.

Ashley held her hands up in defense. "He deserved it, he shouldn't be talking to my girl, not after what he's done to her"

Shay's shoulders slumped, relieved her girlfriend wasn't hurt. The brunette padded over to Sasha and gave the girl a hug, the blonde melted into the taller girls arms.

"Did he say anything else?" Shay asked, looking down at her girlfriend, her arm sliding around the blonde's waist. Sasha gave Ashley a pointed look, telling her to keep quiet. She knew Shay would be angry if she found out what he said to her.

Ashley shook her head. "No, no he didn't"

"Where's Luce?" Janel asked, noticing the small brunette wasn't with them.

"She's sick so I had to leave her at home" Troian replied, grabbing a screwdriver and the bag of screws.

"Anyways, Bob the builder and I are gonna finish this and then we can have a drink. God knows I need one" Shay laughed, picking up the screwdriver.

The girls laughed and left, going downstairs and pouring the drinks.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Troian announced, standing up and heading into the en-suite.

Shay quickly shushed her when she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket, confused, she grabbed it from her back pocket and pressed answer.

Holding the phone up to her ear, the brunette heard a voice she didn't recognize. "This call is from the Chester woman's correctional facility, you have a call from..."

Shay's mouth instantly went dry and her heart began to beat in her chest. "Amber Lee Sheaffer"

"To accept this call, please press one" The automated voice continued.

The brunette's fingers shook as they hovered over the keypad. Letting out a deep sigh, Shay's finger slowly moved to the number one.

"Hello, sweetheart. When are you coming to visit me?" Amber asked, letting out a dark chuckle.

"What do you want?"

Amber sighed, "I missed you, It's hard not being near you, not being able to touch you..."

"Stop, you need help. I'm not your girlfriend and I never will be" Shay spat, her grip tightening on her phone as her fingers shook violently.

"You can't speak to your future wife like that, but since I love you I'll let it slide... again"

Shay rolled her eyes and her jaw clenched. "You need to leave me and Sasha alone or I promise you, you will regret it"

"I have to go but I'll speak to you soon"

Before the brunette could protest the call had ended. Letting out a loud groan, the brunette threw her phone across the room.

"Shay, are you okay?"

Shooting her head around, Shay saw her best friend exiting the en-suite.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

Troian's eyebrows furrowed, "You don't seem okay, who were you talking to?"

"My future wife apparently" The brunette scoffed, running a hand through her hair. "She wants me to visit"

"You've got to be kidding me. What did you say?" Troian gasped.

"No, of course. I told her to not call me again"

Troian sighed and starting to pace back and forth. "You have to tell, Sash"

"What? No, I can't do that, you know what she's like when she just hears her name. She's been doing so well, I don't want to ruin it"

"You have to tell her, you can't keep it secret for long"

Shay groaned, walking over to her now smashed phone. "Well, this is broken. I'll get a new phone, at least she won't have the new number"

Troian nodded and walked back over to the almost built bedside table. "C'mon, let's finish this so we can join the girls"


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