chapter 3

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a/n: WARNING, there's mention of rape in this chapter. It's just the word but I just want to warn you all  just in case

"Hello, how are you all today?" Wendy greeted, watching the five girls walk into the cafe.

Lucy smiled at the older woman, glancing upwards at the menu that was hanging on the wall.

The cafe was simple and authentic. White, black and gold were the main colors and the strong smell of coffee circulated the small cafe which made it more inviting for strangers.

"I'll just have an espresso with two shots, please. Babe, what are you having?" The small brunette asked, turning her head to look at her girlfriend.

"I'll just have a cappuccino and these three will have lattes" Troian replied, motioning her pointer fingers towards the three best friends who were chatting about gossip Ashley read in a Cosmo magazine.

"Of course, I'll bring it over to table four" The red-haired woman announced, handing the smaller girl her change.

The five girls made the way over to the table and sat down.

"So, what are your plans for the weekend?" Troian asked curiously.

"I'm flying back to New York in a couple of days so I'll probably just chill before I have to go back to my horrible boss" Ashley explained, inwardly groaning at the thought of seeing her boss again. "He's such a dick, he said he'd give me a raise If I slept with him"

"And what does Janel think of that?" Sasha teased.

Ashley rolled her eyes playfully, "She said if he asked again she'll arrest him"

The girls let out a laugh, knowing how jealous Janel could be whenever someone would flirt with her girlfriend.

"Here you go" Wendy smiled, placing the five cups on the table. "Anything else you ladies want?"

"No, that's okay" Shay added, grabbing her cup and taking a sip.

The older woman nodded, smiling widely at the brunette "Well I'd love to stay and chat but..." Wendy retorted, pointing out a small line of people waiting at the counter.

"Anyways..." Ashley began. "Will someone go to the cinema later with me? IT is playing and Luce doesn't like horror so she won't come"

"I'll go" Sasha perked up. "Wait, you don't like horror movies?"

Lucy quickly held her hands up in defense. "They're annoying, everyone's just stupid and end up dying in the end"

"Okay, so there's a screening at six so we'll just stay here until It's time to leave" Ashley decided.

After Wendy finished serving the rest of the customers, she decided to take a break since the cafe was pretty quiet, the redhead walked outside the back exit, pulling out a cigarette from her packet. She looked up to see a tall man, waiting for her.

"So, what do you know so far?" He demanded, stepping forward towards the older woman.

"Nothing so far but I'll get closer to them don't worry"

The man sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We don't have a lot of time, Amber said she wanted her dead so we need to make that happen"

Wendy stumped out her cig and chuckled. "Slow down, Sheaffer. Have you ever committed a crime before?"

The brunette scoffed, "Of course I have"

Wendy raised an eyebrow, not believing the man stood in front of her. "Oh really? What have you done then?"

"I've raped a couple girls, that's criminal enough isn't it?"

Wendy's smile turned into a twisted grin. "I knew you were right for my daughter"

The older woman turned to open the exit door, pulling on the handle. "Give me a couple days, these things take time"

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