chapter 6

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"Where are your friends today?" Wendy asked, noticing the brunette was on her own with an almost empty cup of coffee. To her, it looked quite sad.

"Working, I have a day off today so I'm on my own until they finish"

Wendy turned on her heels to walk away until an idea struck her. "I finish my shift in five minutes, why don't we go out for lunch?"

"Oh no, that's okay. You probably have things to do"

"Please, Shay. I insist, I may be old but I can be fun" The red-haired woman laughed. "I'll go get changed and we can head to the mall"

The brunette let out a laugh and agreed, letting Wendy walk to the staff room to get changed into clothes that didn't smell of coffee and cinnamon.

"So, where should we go to first?" The older woman questioned after she reappeared a few minutes later.

"Forever 21?"

After a few hours of shopping passed, Shay and Wendy's legs grew tired.

"Where should we go to eat?" Wendy asked, feeling her legs grow more tired at the second.

"Wendy's?" The brunette chuckled.

"Ha ha, very funny. How about we go to In-N-Out?"

The girls finally sat down after waiting twenty minutes to order their food. To say it was busy in the mall was an understatement, the building was packed with strangers shopping for clothes and the brunette saw the occasional mom trying to keep their screaming children quiet by buying them the toy they so desperately needed.

"There's something I want to ask so I'm gonna get straight to the point here" Wendy began as she picked up a fry from the tray. "My daughter is very fond of you, and she wanted me to ask if you'd go on a date with her. She'd ask herself but she's too shy"

The brunette chuckled and took a sip of the diet coke. "I'm sure she's nice but I'm with someone, our two year anniversary is soon"

"Well whoever she is, she's a lucky girl" Wendy replied.

Shay nodded in agreement. "She really is, you've actually met Sasha a few times"

"Oh, that's who you're dating. Well, you make a lovely couple, It's a shame though... My daughter would be perfect for you"

The brunette shifted awkwardly in her seat. "I'm sure she's great but just let her know that there's someone out there for her, It's just not me"

"I will, dear"


"Babe, I'm home" Shay called out, dropping her keys on the floor and accidentally stumbling upstairs. God, she was so clumsy. Entering their bedroom, Shay saw the blonde sat on the bed with her laptop placed on her lap.

"Sash, did you not hear me? I said I'm home"

The blonde looked up to greet her girlfriend, but she didn't see the beautiful brunette with brown eyes. She saw Hudson's blue eyes darkening, a grin spread on his face as he stared down at her.

Instantly, Sasha shuffled backward, trying to move away from the tall man as much as possible.

"Are you okay?" Shay asked, noticing fear brew in the blonde's eyes.

"Stay away from me, you heard what Troian said!"

Shay furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"S-Shay will be home soon so... so you better leave" The blonde stuttered out, reaching for her phone to call the police.

"Hey, hey. It's me, nobody else is here but me. Babe, look at me" Shay whispered, trying to keep her voice low so that she wouldn't scare the timid blonde.

After a few minutes of trying to steady her breathing, Sasha finally looked up. She was immediately greeted with brown eyes and a worried brunette.

"W-What's going on? He... He was here, where did he go?"

Shay furrowed her eyebrows once again and took a small step towards the blonde who was sat on the floor with her back pressed against the wall. "Who, Babe. Who are you talking about?"

"Hudson" Sasha mumbled, wiping dry tears from her cheeks.

An hour passed and Shay was finally able to calm down the panicked blonde. The two girls were sat on the floor, the blonde's head rested against Shay's chest as she tried to match her breathing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Shay whispered, stroking the blonde's hair.

Sasha lifted her head up from the brunette's chest, her eyes trailed to the floor, too scared to look her girlfriend in the eye.

"You'll get mad if I tell you"

The brunette instantly shook her head at the comment. "I won't, I promise"

Sasha let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through her hair. She crossed her legs and quickly prepared herself. The last time she spoke about her past with Hudson was over a year ago. The night of the assault, Sasha waited till Hudson fell asleep and she snuck downstairs and drove to Troian's house.

"It was... It was a couple days before we broke up. He came home drunk and he wanted to have... you know. I said I was busy working and he immediately assumed that I was sleeping with my boss. He was always the jealous type"

Shay slowly nodded her head, silently telling the blonde to carry on.

"Obviously I said I didn't because I would never cheat, even if I was unhappy in the relationship, which I was, I'd stay faithful. He said... He said that he wanted me and he pinned me down and..."

Shay wiped the tears that were streaming down her cheeks and pulled the blonde into an embrace.

"I'm so, so sorry"


The blonde walked into the once empty room, her body jumped slightly when the door shut behind her. She took a seat in one of the hard plastic chairs that were facing the door and waited.

A few minutes later, the blonde heard chains clanging together, she looked up to see the dark-haired woman staring at her, a smirk growing on her face the further she walked towards the nervous woman.

The dark-haired woman took a seat in one of the chairs and sighed, "Hello Ashley, it's a pleasure seeing you here"

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