Chapter 63

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"No" I dead panned.

"Please!" Ik-su begged.

"No" I repeated, almost coldly. Ik-su had just woken me up from my nap, so I could go out and get some herbs for Yoon. I was the only one who knew what he needed, so that was my job if needed.

"Azumi dear~ Let's go for a stroll" Jae-ha said, suddenly appearing beside me on the tree branch. I sighed, dropping from the branch and landing in a squat on the floor.

"No" I repeated. Jae-ha dropped down beside me, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Hak!" Jae-ha called. Hak glanced up. He was half way through splitting the firewood and frowned over at us.

"Azumi's refusing to do her job"  Jae-ha beamed.

"And what am I supposed to do about it?" Hak asked, confused.

"I don't know!? something! You always find some way to motivate her" Jae-ha said, shrugging.

"Just carry her and she won't argue" Hak said, turning back to the wood. I stretched out across the base of the tree, yawning and stretching my arms over my head. I hadn't been listening to their conversation, until I felt Jae-ha's arms wrap around my waist and lift me into a piggy back.

"Hmm?" I asked, confused.

"Hak's suggestion" he hummed, obviously enjoying how close we where. I blinked lazily at him, before studying his shoulders.

"Hak's shoulders are a little more broad, but you will do" I yawned, curling up around his shoulders, my head in the crook of his neck. I could tell he was blushing, from the sudden flare of heat in his neck, but I ignored it.

"Thank you!" Ik-su cheered, way too happy about it. I glanced up from Jae-ha's neck and frowned at him.

"Suspicious old man..." I whispered. Jae-ha tensed slightly, before chuckling.

"He must have a reason" Jae-ha chuckled, turning around and walking into the forest.

"He always has a reason... That's why he's suspicious" I said, cuddling up against him again.

"So, what are we searching for?" Jae-ha asked, looking around. I groaned, having already gotten comfortable. Jae-ha was warm and his shoulder was the perfect length. He was the perfect size to just curl up against.

Not that I was ever going to admit it, or anything.

"Green plant, with tiny red bits. We want those dots, they are flowers, that have a incredible sense of flavor" I said, flicking my hand out as if it would help.

"Sense of flavor?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Enhances flavor, especially with meat dishes. Yoon uses it quite often, but we ran out yesterday. he told me it was in his best interest to get more" I hummed, letting my eyes flutter shut.

"Like that one?" He asked, His arm shifting as he pointed to his right. I once again glanced up from the crook of his neck to find a whole clump of it, perfectly in season, and still planted.

"Yeah..." I muttered.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, Walking over. I jumped off his back, much to his surprise. I studied everything around us suspiciously.

"This herb never grows in such large clumps. It has single strand, which goes high. This is multiple. They can't grow near each other because it poisons the plants around it" I said, my frown deepening.

"So...?" He asked, confused.

"It's a trap" I said.

"A trap? Who would leave such a trap?" He asked.

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