When all went Wrong

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Third POV

Ant and Dec were standing in the wings laughing their wits out not only because the dancers on the stage struggled to hold it together but also in the opposite wing of the stage, Stephen Mulhern is giving his best for their sister-show to be funny and let's be honest, utterly ridiculous. Dec couldn't stop thinking about his good luck. He and his best mate have gone through a lot to reach where they are now and he enjoyed every bit of it. Even if some moments like their pop career was very much embarrassing as he looked back at it now, they had great fun as he knew they were real stars at that time, with a lot of fans and their songs at least reaching the top 20s every time. They had worked so hard and had put their everything for the shows they do. And now they are at the top of their career and even personal dilemmas cannot stop them from being the most loved and sought out presenters of UK. He laughed thinking how much he used the words we, us, they and them in his thoughts. Ant was always a part of his career and mostly his life. They always joked that if their sexual inclination were not for the opposite sex, they would have gotten married to each other, long ago.

He was out of his muse when he felt a sharp nudge on his arm. Ant was looking at him as if to ask why aren't you clapping? Dec realised that he was standing with his arms crossed on his chest in thoughts. He could see from Ant's flushed cheeks that he was laughing his heart out as the act had horribly gone wrong. He loved that about their job. It was not really a job . It was living a moment of utter joy with his best mate. He cannot be more grateful.

He was pulled out of all his thoughts when the red buzzers blew merciless and he and Ant made themselves busy comforting the distressed dancers. The next act was called upon and a man close to their age walked on to the stage. They always like to be uninformed about the acts as they love the surprise.The man didn't stop to talk but just said to Ant that he is a magician. He was tall and fit but his colourful shirt and tight mismatching vest gave him a comic appeal. The boys always tensed when magicians walk in as they are likely to be pulled on- stage. They never declined the invitation partly because they don't want to be rude and they were utmost professionals and also because they knew the producers won't let them get involved in dangerous acts and the crew always took utmost care of everything on and off the stage.

After the short introduction, everyone was holding their breath to see what the man who introduced himself as Leon, could do. Ant and Dec were slightly taken aback by the medics and crew for emergency standing at the opposite side with Stephen, who looks at Leon with appreciation and loath. They knew he was praying his heart out for the act to go well and preserve the dignity of magicians around the world.

A senseless music number blared through the speakers and Leon was accompanied by two female assistants. He started his act by trying to make a Dove disappear only for it to fly up the ceiling much to Dec's terror; balancing a plate on a pole only to make it fall down and break and trying to upturn a glass of champagne without spilling it only to end up drenching himself.

The audience and judges were out of their heads, antanddec laughing more to Stephen's smug face than to the horrible act. Simon was about to go for his buzzer when Leon looked directly at the left wing of the stage. "Ant or Dec?" he asked. Everyone appeared more than interested in the act now. Ant doesn't had to think more before Dec gave him a slight push and he was on the stage. Looking at Dec with an "I will get you" stare, Ant bowed at the crowd and stood next to Leon. Dec could only laugh seeing the face of his friend. He turns to their camera with a cheeky grin: "I am not going there.I am far more cute and young to be dying at this age"

Dec's POV

I look at Ant and could not stop laughing seeing his eyes widening with fear. His eyes catch mine for a moment and he roll them. I don't know why he is so afraid. We always got through such acts. The producers wouldn't let these acts on if they were too dangerous. Even then,I could feel something nagging at the back of my mind. It was the plain fact that none of the tricks that Leon did today is a success. I am aware of the frown forming on my eyebrows as I watch Leon leading a terrified Ant to a box but I cannot let the camera see that. So I tried my cheeky way by turning to the camera to ask "He ain't afraid of it. Aye?". But as I turn back to face the stage and see Ant being ushered into the box, I can't stop the weird fright that creeps into my face. Ant catches my eyes and gives me a cheeky grin and a wink clearly knowing what was going through my mind. This is far more nerve-racking than I imagined. I should have volunteered instead of pushing Ant. It is far more relaxing to be in your best friend's place than standing here helplessly wondering what would happen to your best mate, especially when you know he is claustrophobic. I look longingly at the box that is now closed, inwardly kicking myself for not going instead of Ant.

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