Period - Jin

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Sorry about this chapter,it looks privacy for girls I guess 😅😅
But you will know how Jin will treat you if you're sick. 😏😏

You as Y/N
Character: Jin

You felt your body didn't feel well so you're sleeping on the couch after school. And at home, there's Jin who was on holiday at his college.

You're skipping lesson and going home by subway. Lucky that you have your key because Jin is using headphones so he might not hearing other sounds.

You're throwing your bags under the couch and sleep for a while since your body is very tired.

"Y/N! Y/N!",shout Jin.

You're opening your eyes and saw Jin was sitting on the floor beside you.

"Oh oppa? You're home..?"

"Aniyaa,I was holiday! Did you forget?!",ask Jin.

You're wake up from your sleep and feel the pain on the stomach.

"Umm..oppa?",you said.


"I.. couldn't move.",you said.

Your word makes him in panic and carry you up to the bedroom.

"Yah,my stomach hurts!",you shout.

"Wait,are you in period?",he ask again.

You feel embarrassed and slap one of his cheek.

"Hajimaa! Take me to the toilet!"

You're checking and found out that his said was true. You're so lucky that you found a pad on the toilet drawer and it's only one. So you're out of that thing.

You're going out from the toilet after putting on the pad, feeling stressed out.

Suddenly,Jin going outside without telling you where he's going.


Then someone's open the door and there's  Jin bringing big plastic bag.

"What's that?",you ask.

"For your period stuff..meh I don't have any idea.",then he take out all of those item. Tampons,pad,etc..

"For me?",you ask.


"Jjinja pabo ya! What are you doing?",you punch his back.

"Yah,I know you're out of that right? So I randomly pick out that thing at the store! I don't have any idea and buy all that stuff and I'm broke because of that 😂😂"

You're stop your action and give him a smile and said,
"Just pick one of it lol. Btw thank you oppa."

He's giving me a flying kiss and a smile,
"Get well soon sis."

"How that kind of stuffs make me broke?",he ask again 😂😂

"You're buying too much oppa.",you said.

"Wait here, I'll make you tea.",he said.

I'm just sitting on the couch,watching TV since oppa said that I shouldn't move a lot,even I couldn't dance for BTS songs 😂😂

So you're watching BTS MV at the smart TV.

"Mic drop!"

And at the same time,Jin take out the tea and sitting beside me.

"Hey it's me!",he said while pointing himself at the screen.

Fyi: they're also an idol okay? Nothing's different here.

"I'm handsome.", he's bragging himself again while I'm drinking the tea.

After watching the MV,at the same time,the members are coming at me.

"Hey Y/N- what's that?", said Jimin while pointing the pad box that brought by Jin oppa just now.

I noticed it and quickly take all the item to my room, embarrassed.

"Hell why didn't I put it first?!",you shout while running to the room.

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