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Sweat glazed over my forehead making the dusty air around me feel cool, I turned my aching bloody body over, and crawled out of my crashed x wing falling to the ground, I saw people approaching me every blink I took they inched closer, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, I felt so tired so dizzy i reached my trembling hand up to the figure, his large hand waved over my face and I lost consciousness.

I woke up in an infirmary, they asked for my name, but my head was still empty but I still needed to say something so I thought of a random number "..seven." I replied.
A number.. that's I felt like, I felt like a robot, like an inanimate object with no purpose. These people that call themselves "the first order" helped me apparantly I guess they are good people so I trust them, they even gave me a job that wasnt too difficult and easy for me to learn and my own sleeping quarters... I am very greatful for their help. But their leader must have anger issues.

I walk into the control room only to find it completely destroyed, metal melting, and sparks flying.

My blood began to boil "I was sent here... to fix this... on my own." I growled through gritted teeth. "Ugh! Do they really expect me to fix this on my own?!"

I went over to the control panel and grabbed my flash light it was dim and the lights where flashing like crazy.

"This is gonna have to be completely replaced.."

"What made him go apeshit this time... I'm gonna need matt to come in and help me with this"

Matt later came in and stared at the destroyed control room.

"Its ok I'll fix this" matt said fixing his glasses.

"On your own? I can't let you just do all of this by yourself." I wiped scuff of my brow.

"No, no.. it's fine." He mumbled observing the destruction.

Matt was one of my best friends in fact my only friend although he was a bit odd and an outcast I still talk to him and sit with him in lunch hour, he seems to not mind my presence, all he seems to talk about is how much he admires kylo ren, and how cool he thinks he is.

I dont have a solid opinion on kylo ren I've never seen him, his outbursts are quite annoying to fix though.

I don't say anything, it isn't any of my business and I really really don't want to get involved, or get into any trouble with the first order; my job here is to fix what's broken, sleep, eat and repeat.

That's basically how my days go and I was pretty lucky to have matty as a work partner.. he's my only friend really, there aren't any other female radar technicians and we both get along better than anyone else in the damn ship.

Some time past after that broken control room happened, it was a long day and really late.

I walk into my room.
All is a monochrome color, fluorescent lights lit the colorless room my bright orange vest popping out.

I take off the heavy vest strapped on me tossing it on the floor and sit on my bed reaching my hand out to a wash cloth on my end table to wipe some sweat off my face. I have a little secret, I can move things with my mind. I found out a few days after waking up with no memory, at first it was very weak but during break time I've been practicing, I asked mat about this type of power and he said it's called using the force he says kylo ren can do this too, mat doesnt know I can do this I dont want to risk anyone finding out, I'm afraid what this power can get me into.

After practicing with a pen I fell asleep.

I wake up hair falling over my face and in my mouth.

"Morning already.." I croaked.

Matt waited at my door as always.

"Sorry, hope I didn't make you wait to long." I apologized tieing my hair up.

"Its alright." He was smiling today.

"So what's with the smile." I raised a brow.

"Kylo ren walked past me today, and Captain phasma too." He said.

"Really?! You know what they where up to?" I whispered yelled.

"Not sure but he was carrying an unconscious girl in his arms." He whispered too.

"A girl..?" What's going on.
I've never seen him up close and personal, is he going to kill her?

It isn't any of my business so I shouldn't ask any more questions.

Mat and I where fixing some burnt out wires, as always he was boasting about kylo and I just listened trying not to shock myself.

In a place this huge work is always available.

Suddenly we heard screams and loud noises, like the sound of a light saber.

"Seriously... what is he breaking now." A worker behind me said in an irritated tone.

Before I could even blink I saw him
His boots banging against the floor at a fast pace down the hall.

I gasped and moved out of the way
Its almost as if I could see heat waves off his helmet.

"Hes so..tall." Is All I could mutter.

"So cool." Matt whispered behind me.

I swallowed and watched his silhouette fade into the distance.

After that we went right back to work, we fixed a few things here and there and was relieved I wasn't called in to fix whatever it is Ren broke.

I sat at the cafeteria with Matt.

"Hey matt.." I looked up from my food.

"You uhm... really think he..killed that girl?" I whispered the last part out.

"He kills anyone in his path that tries to restrain him from doing what he wants with out even blinking.. but the resistance kills our soldiers left and right the same way, to do what they think is right also.. so who's really the bad guy here." He trailed off.

"Sorry... forget I said that." He fixed his glasses.

"We don't know what's really going on anyway.. heard someone saying it was somthing about a.. map?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

I thought back to my force powers and felt that I was connected to that situation somehow.

Matt snapped his fingers infront of my face to get me out of my trance.

"We're leaving" he said picking up his plate.

"Oh! Yeah sorry! Sorry sorry.." I got up and disposed of my plate.

I was free for the rest of the day so I decided to rest up.

I was on my way to my room and stopped infront of my door from the corner of my eye I see a figure.

I turn to see and it was him at the far end of the hall way. I see kylo.. just staring at me, not moving a muscle in complete and utter silence.

My door opened and I flinched, when I looked back down the hall way he was gone. A shiver skid down my spine.

I went into my room cold as always but I felt colder all the way down to the core of my bones.

What the hell was he doing.

(( oof this is so embarrassing but I couldn't help but make this, I haven't written fanfiction in so long and this is my first x reader story but I'm not a big fan of the (y/n) thing so.. haha hope you don't mind. I don't know all the star wars facts and stuff so please correct me if I miss anything or do anything wrong but don't attacc pls♡♡ ))

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