Chapter Forty Five

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-Merida's POV-

I nibbled the end of my pencil, pulling my long tangled curly hair in a frustrated manner. We had some English work and our teacher, Miss Lily Rose-  who has breath like dung and makes students recoil when she talks so I call her dungbreath, but that's not important right now - had given us a diary entry to write, while she did some really important 'stuff' (which means talking on her phone).

I began writing some random crap (yes, I haven't even started and there are like five minutes until the bell) about a time in summer where me, Jack, Johnny and Punzie went to the beach, and Jack had found a dead crab and started chasing me and Punzie with it, only, I smacked it out of his hand because I'm not afraid of anything, and he started yelling at me and then Punzie splashed us with water to cool off our anger (pun intended) and then Johnny pushed me and Jack in the water and we had an all out water fight. Then when I bought icecream, I stuffed it up Johnny's nose as payback and it was hilarous when he sneezed it out. Punzie got icescream snot all over her favourite shirt nd got super mad, then started slapping Johnny about, screaming at him, and then Jack said Punzie looked amazing just the way she was and she blushed and giggled and then acted as though nothing happened. That was before she and Jack went out, where they had small crushes on each other. I smiled at the memory. Ah, good times, good times.

Of course, I couldn't have written all that. If I gave that in to Miss Lily Rose and she read it, she would literally throw me right out of this universe and start lecturing me about 'you shouldn't write about inappropiate things like this when you're only fifteen,' and 'you shouldn't have been so naughty' and stuff like that, so you would have to hold your breath because when she lectures she comes right to your face, and then her breath comes inside your nostrils and your eyes would water because of it, but you wouldn't say anything because you don't want to be so disrespectful and mean towards her and you wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, and there you would be, silently suffocating, and she would carry on lecturing you. And even if you move backwards to stop that putrid stench from entering your nose, she would say 'WHY ARE YOU MOVING? COME BACK HERE!' and you would go mental. She is mental. There is nothing inappropiate with the beach, but Miss Lily Rose is just like that. Even the slightest thing, like saying 'butt' or 'toilet' would cause her to become very quiet, place a finger to her lips and shake her head. She didn't tolerate that sort of behaviour. She's a seriously wacko teacher if you ask me, I have no idea how she got the job. But, she is good at English work so nevermind.

I quickly looked up at the clock, which was on top of the black board, and there was three minutes left until lunch. Thank god. I don't think I could stand writing another word of this stupid diary, because I hate writing stuff down. I prefer to remember it inside my head, which I find much easier. I glanced back down at my paper and then sighed. I had written one page. The word limit was 150-200 hundred words. I better start counting, because Miss Lily Rose is very strict on this sort of thing. She counts every single tiny word. Once, Hiccup was writing a story (he writes a lot) and the word limit was 450-500. He had 502 words after he counted, and Miss Lily gave him such a long boring lecture about sticking to the word limit, and listening to the teacher and stuff, and he was nearly at tears by the end of it. Poor Hiccup. I felt so sorry for him them. Well, I better make sure that doesn't happen to me, I don't want to smell her stinky breath, so I began counting.


The bell suddenly rang, making me jump in alarm, startled. Alright, I wasn't expecting it to ring so early. I thought there was at least a minute left. Wow, time flies by when you're trying to do something in the last second. Well, I think I did enough. If Miss Lily Rose doesn't like it, it doesn't matter. If it's not up to her standard, who cares?

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