Chapter Twenty Seven

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-Jack's POV-

I leant against my chair, my head resting against it. I could feel my neck muscles being pulled a little and I folded my arms, sighing. I could tell everybody was eyeing me and chatting but I couldn't be bothered looking at them and giving them a glare. I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled my chair forwards, trying to concentrate on what Eric was saying. He's like twenty six and he insists on us calling him Eric. He has shiny sleek black hair and bright blue eyes, and some of the girls, like the really crazy ones are mad over him. But he can be quite strict too, so they keep their distance.

"So, Henry the VIII died, and his son Edward became the king..." he said, tapping the black board with his long stick. He doesn't hit anyone with it, but he threatens to sometimes, if he is in a very bad mood. Which is very unlikely. He's lucky he's not me. I can tell that I've ruined my entire reputation. All thanks to my stupid ex girlfriends cousin.

I drummed my fingers on the table, whistling slightly and scrunching up my nose as I heard little quiet sobs coming from near me. I glanced quickly at Eric, who was still talking, and then leant back on my chair and whirled my head around, my hair flying with me as I looked at Elsa's figure. She had her head in her arms and her body was shaking slightly. It made me feel slightly sorry for her.

"Hey Elsa," I whispered softly, pressing my finger on her bare arm. She winced slightly and slowly looked up with watery, red eyes. She must have heard the whispering too. Well, its only first period. We still have like seven more periods left until schools over. Including break. A lot can happen then. It's lucky there is a teacher in the class. If not, me and Elsa would have been pelted by tomatoes and booed by everyone. That will happen at break, I bet. People will trip us over so our faces will fall flat in our plates.

"Y-yes Jack?" she muttered as she sniffed, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. Rubbing her long, pale shaped legs together she began knocking her knuckles together as she coughed. I bit my lip and watched her, waiting her to finish.

"Are you...alright?" I said, pulling my bag nearer towards my desk. I unzipped it gently, my fingers fumbling here and there as I searched for my box of tissues. Yeh, I know what your thinking. What kind of guy that has an attitude and looks as good as me carries tissues in his bag? Hey, its not my fault my father put it in there.

I pulled the box out and then grabbed a tissue, pushing it next to her hand, but not directly giving it to her. Things are already awkward between us as it is. She gulped and looked down at it, wondering if I had given something poisonous. Huh, well, when your becoming nicer to your enemy and wondering if you should trust them your bound to look out for things like that.

"Hey, take it," I insisted, pushing it closer to her so my fingers lightly brushed against her smooth skin. Thank god Eric wasn't looking our way. He would have thought I had been flirting with her and trust me, I would never do that. I don't hate her though, I actually kind of like her. As a friend thing. "It's not poisonous," I added quickly.

"A...alright," Elsa said cautiously, choking on her tears as she slowly picked it up, and then blew her nose on it. Wow, she didn't even make a single noise doing it. Is that even humanly possible? Whenever I heard Rapunzel blow her nose, she's like a train "CHOOOOO!"

"Jack Frost!" Eric snapped, and I turned my head immediately, feeling my cheeks go red hot. I gripped the sides of my chair as everyone darted there eyes towards me, full of hatred and disappointment. I began scratching the side of my arm and bit my tongue nervously.

"Yes...sir?" I said, flashing a smile towards his direction. He raised his eyebrow slightly and then gave me a 'don't-play-dumb' look before shaking his head.

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