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Your pov,
"We're really going to do all this shopping again for our prom" Dinah mumbled while we walked around the mall to find our shoes,

"Well I don't know if I want to go to our prom anyways" i added but noticed Dinah wasn't beside me and I see her on the line for ice cream I chuckled and went over "a little snack break" she nodded with a huge smile she's such a kid,

"So how are you and Camila? You know now that's she focused on finals, prom and graduation?" Dinah asked eating her ice cream cone,

"Uh she's okay I guess we really don't hang anymore just at school" I answered playing with my straw "so no dates or sex?" I shook my head no,

"When she's dedicated to something she ignores everything around her" Dinah nodded and we started another conversation about her girlfriend and just random stuff.

Later that day Veronica was coming over for some movie night so I had to buy us snacks, there was a knock on my door at 6 and I quickly went to answer before Shawn did,

"What's up Mendes" she smiled pulling me into a hug "Hey Ve come on I have our stuff upstairs" she smiled closing the door "great lead the way".

"So hows the wifey" Veronica asked taking a seat on my bed I chuckled turning on my television so we could start our movie night,

"Why is everyone asking me that question? First my mom then Dinah and now you" she chuckled with a smile "Well I haven't seen her since that shit in your school that happen like two weeks ago I guess" I nodded handing her the bag of chips and taking a seat on my bean bag

"That's true well she's fine I guess I haven't seen her so yeah" I mumbled grabbing popcorn "really that's weird" she mumbled "what you mean?" I added with a mouth full of popcorn,

"Well you two never leave each other side so I just find it weird but she is worrying about prom and whatever right" I nodded and we continued on with our movie.

Veronica was on her way out when Shawn came out the kitchen "Hey so your Y/n new friend" I rolled my eyes and faced him "yeah hi I'm Veronica Lodge and I'm guessing you're the brother" he smirked with a nod "also the hotter sibling" "kill me" I mumbled hearing my new best friend's giggle

"I don't know this one is a hottie also" I blushed pushing her slightly with a smile "Well it was nice meeting you Veronica maybe we could hang out next time" Ve smirked with a nodded "sure" I rolled my eyes and walked her to her car

"Gross you like my brother" she chuckled with a smile "he's cute but I don't know we'll see maybe he'll now leave you alone with the whole Camila problem" she smirked crossing her arms "funny Ve drive safe and text me when you are home" she nodded giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek "see you later" I nodded and she got in her car and drove off.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a new hot friend" Shawn asked soon as I walked in "you met her at Zayn's party remember" he raised a brow gripping his water bottle "really? I don't remember" I nodded with a sigh "Well I'm going to bed so" I mumbled and ran up to my room, I grabbed my phone from my dresser, I shut it off while we were watching our movie because Dinah usually calls me for no reason and won't end the call so I wanted to hang with Veronica for a while with no distance plus Camila doesn't really call me now I texted her to see how she was doing but she never answered.

Soon as my phone was on so many texts and missed calls came in from Camila,

Baby🎀-im good but I really miss you! Come see me later please!!

Baby🎀-hello! Answer me! Love me!

Baby🎀-okay but really answer me please I know I been a little distant but don't ignore me

Baby🎀-baby are you mad at me I'm sorry!!!

Baby🎀-why the hell is your phone off are you okay?

Some of the messages from her so I called her up and she answered on the first ring

"Why the fuck was your phone off!" She yelled making me smile

"Well hello to you too" I chuckled going to my closet to find a t-shirt and shorts

"I asked you to come over today and you ignored me what the hell"

"I've asked to see you and you made other plans so sorry" it's true I've asked to take her out on a date or just see her but she denied me so why does she have the right to be mad at me,

"That's because I was study for finals and today I decided to get off to see you and you don't even bother to answer a stupid text!" Okay she's pissed and I don't want to keep fight with her

"Can you stop yelling at me I'm sorry I was hanging out with Veronica and-" she cut me off and yelled once again

"The fuck?! So you have to shut off your fucking phone just to be with Veronica"

"Can you let me finish?" I added throwing my shorts on the bed "no why the fuck did you shut your phone off to be with Veronica are you doing something with her"

"The hell Camila no we're friends if you let me finish i would've explain-" I get cut off when I noticed she ended the call on me I groan throwing my phone on my bed well that went bad..

A/n: short but something, a little trouble in Paradise what's a relationship without some fights right or is it just mine...anyways hope you like!

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