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"Are you going to ask Normani out now?" I asked closing my locker

"I don't know maybe" I shook my head smiling

"Then stop being all jealous when she talks to someone" I added "She told me the exact same thing" Dinah mumbled crossing her arms I laughed walking beside her she sighed adding "but you two have a point I shouldn't get jealous we aren't together and we haven't put a label on it" Dinah sighing


"Freak!" I hear someone yelled then I feel Dinah pull me out the way and I see Austin best friend Zack hit the lockers

"Are you guys fucking idiots?!" Dinah yelled dropping her bag but I grabbed her arm "let it go Dinah I'm fine"

"I don't care what if I wasn't with you? You would've got seriously hurt" Zack just laughed bumping my shoulder and pulling my book bag along with and ran the corner,

"I'm going to kill Austin and his stupid friends" Dinah groan picking up her bag the bell rang and we all headed to class, at least he dropped my bag around the corner.
Camila's pov,
"Did you hear Y/n almost got pummeled by Austin's stupid friend" Ally said taking a seat beside me

"What are you talking about?" I said looking away from my book

"I'm not completely sure but that Zack kid come out of no where and almost tackled Y/n to the lockers but luckily Dinah was with her to pull her out the way" I felt my blood boil Austin has some fucking nerve to get his stupid friends on Y/n, I told him if anything ever happens to Y/n's adorable little head I would make sure I'll be the one to kill him not Dinah,

"But she's fine?" I asked Ally nodded with a smile

"Yeah she's fine I actually saw her before coming in class, she's always been the shy one huh?" I smiled nodding

"Yeah its so adorable to me" Ally chuckled getting her notebook

"No doubt she is adorable, I really feel bad for what she has to go through but she's really strong" I gave her a sad smile nodding I really wish I could help her with all these mean bully's but I don't know how.

"Okay class is starting" our teacher walked in closing the class room door.
Your pov,
"Mom can I have 20 dollars" my mom was getting ready to head back to work but I wanted a 20 to go out for a while,

"Sure honey but can I ask why you want 20 dollars"

"I'm going to the movies with Dinah" lie but I can't tell her I just want to walk the streets and make sure I have money to come home she baby's me too much she'll be worried,

"Okay just be careful don't talk to any strangers" I chuckled putting the money in my pocket "I'm not five mom I know the drill" she smiled kissing my cheek and giving me a hug,

"I know but your my little baby" I smiled hugging her back

"Adorable" I pull away from my mother seeing Shawn and Camila

"I want some mama loving" Shawn said leaving Camila's side I rolled my eyes leaving couldn't you let me have my moment with mom,

"Hey" I turned giving Camila a smile

"Hi whats up?"

"I heard what happen in school are you okay?" I nodded gripping the bottom of my t-shirt

"Yeah Dinah was there to help" she smiled nodded

"Great I just wanted to make sure" I nodded smiling she pulled me in a hug I wrapped my arms around her squeezing tightly she pulled away and we stared into each other eyes, her eyes are my favorite she always said they are boring but I love her beautiful brown eyes,

I felt myself leaning in and her also we were just a few centimeters away but then I heard my mothers laugh and it brought me back to reality,

"I-i-I'm sorry" I mumbled looking away from her she let go of me and I ran up the steps, thank god we were away from the kitchen.

"You guys almost kiss this is awesome!" Dinah yelled through the phone

"This is not awesome Dinah she's still dating Shawn,"

"Yeah so she likes you!" I sighed getting my wallet and walking out my door,

"I gotta go I have to get some air"

"Hey don't be upset about it you guys didn't do anything so she's fine with Shawn you didn't hurt your brother" I nodded sighing

"I know see you tomorrow" I mumbled I ended my call going down the stairs,

"Hey where you going?" Shawn asked walking pass me to the couch where I saw Camila looking over,

"Uh out for a bit don't um wait up" i saw him smirk and nod gross he's thinking of doing it with Camila..I don't wanna think about that let me just leave the house already.
It was 11 and my mom should be getting home in an hour so I'm in perfect timing, I walked around the park for a while just enjoy the peacefulness, no one yelling or pushing me no one looking at me differently, I feel so normal after myself daily walks if I didn't get my walk I think I would go crazy dealing with all the bullshit at school,

I sat outside a little bit just before walking back into reality. My front door opens and I quickly stand up seeing Camila with her head down and slowly walking out, ooh good chance to scare her,

I went up the steps while she was closing the door I placed my hands on her waist and said "Boo"

She jumped hitting the door I had a good grip on her so she didn't completely hit the door, "Y/n are you fucking serious" she turned hitting my arm I laughed lightly letting her go

"I'm sorry I just had too"

"I'm getting you back you'll see" I chuckled wait..why is Camila still here?

"Uh question why are you still here? It's rather late"

"I should telling you the same thing, don't you have to be in bed by 10" I blushed crossing my arms

"I'm home that doesn't really matter where are you going?"

"Home" she added walking down the steps

"At this time?" I asked following her

"Well yeah" I stopped following her when I noticed she had her car

"Ok...um text me when you get home?" She turned smiling

"Sure thing" we gave each other a hug and she drove off

Weird why would she stay here so late....

A/n: I hate being sick!!☠️

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