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~Freshman year~
"Come on Y/n Dinah is waiting for you!" I groan pulling my pants on and grabbing my socks putting them on after my shoes,

"I'm coming!" I yelled grabbing my book bag and t-shirt I'll just pull that on downstairs, I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up in a messy bun I finished that and ran downstairs,

"I'm here, oh shit" I stumbled back on the stairs seeing that Camila was here also,

"Baby there's no need to come half naked for me" Dinah jokes grabbing a hold of my chest

"Stop it" i chuckled hitting her hands away and pulling my shirt on

"You're boobs looked better without the shirt" Dinah smirked grabbing a hold once again

"Why are you so obsessed with my womanly growth" I chuckled not moving her hand so she can get that over with, "You two have the weirdest friendship ever" Shawn added laughing

"Dick to bomb" Dinah smirked turning to Camila and Shawn, Camila's eyes widen and she turned to me

"Shut up we never had sex" I said looking to Camila tho,

"Can we just go" I mumbled walking to the door.
"I saw Normani with Camila" Dinah said cheerfully I chuckled turning to her

"Did you say hi?" Dinah sighed looking down

"No i was nervous" I groan leaning my head back,

"How are you going to make her one of your friends if you're so scared to talk to her"

"I can't help it she's just so beautiful every time she smiles it makes my heart feel like it's going to fall out my chest" I smiled crossing my arms

"That's so cute" she blushed hiding her face.

"Are you ready for lunch?" She asked I nodded closing my locker.

While we were walking to lunch we saw Camila and Austin, he had his arms around her waist and they were talking about something and laughing together, Camila looked away and her eyes landed on me

Camila smirked and gave me a little flirty wave I smiled slightly and kept walking, Dinah says that Camila's only dating Austin to get me jealous but why would she do that if she doesn't even like me..I mean usually Camila's kindness is taken as flirting but that's not it.

"Lunch finally I'm starving" Dinah added pulling me to the line I bumped into some girl and I blushed moving away from her

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and the girl's bitchy face changed into a smile

"You're Shawn's sister aren't you?" I nodded

"I'm Hailee" I raised a brow am I supposed to know her?

"I dated your brother for about two weeks" she giggled oh this is Hailee..she's beautiful

"Oh um hi sorry about that with my brother" she shook her head smiling,

"It's okay I wasn't really into him" I nodded turning back to Dinah who just smirked at me,

I moved up on the line and I got my food,

"Freak" A kid bumped into me almost making me drop my tray I sighed and waited for Dinah

"Dick girl" I turned behind me and someone dropped my tray off my hands and pushed me to the floor everyone started laughing,

I just kept my head down while picking up the mess

"Alright that enough everyone go take a seat" a teacher yelled helping me up

"Do you wanna go wash up" I nodded keeping my head down feeling my tears going down my cheeks

"Y/n" I ignored who ever called my name walking out the cafeteria.

Camila's pov,
I stood up out of my seat when I noticed who Austin was talking about and grabbed a hold of his arm

"Austin leave her alone" he just pulled out of my hold and ran behind her and he must of said something to her to get her attention then his friend Alex knocked down her tray and Austin pushed her to the floor, the whole cafeteria was full of laugher I tired pushing throw people to go over to her but next thing I know she's leaving

"Y/n" I yelled out her name but she just kept walking,

"That was awesome dude" Alex said giving Austin a high five

"What was that all about?" I yelled hitting Austin's chest

"Whoa babe chill it was just a joke" he laughed

"That wasn't a joke you hurt her feelings"

"Her? Ha very funny who knows what that freak is" Austin just laughed once again talking to his friends

"Come on baby" I pulled his hands away from me and walked passed him to look for Y/n.

Your pov,
I stood at the sink trying to catch my breath I haven't cried this hard in a while,

"Stupid grape juice" I groan throwing the paper towel in the trash can, I leaned against the wall putting my hands on my face,

"Y/n?" I looked up seeing Dinah she gave me a sad smile with her arms out I felt my lip tremble I ran into her arms and cried harder

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help you" Dinah whispered kissing my head

"Everything is going to be okay" I shook my head no gripping her shirt

"Just relax please" I took a deeper breath and sighed heavily.

After a few I relaxed my breathing and Dinah helped me get some of the food off my clothes,

"Y/n! Oh my god I been looking for you everywhere" Camila ran in pulling me into a hug,

"Why the hell are you here?" Dinah asked Camila

"I came to check on Y/n duh!" She cupped my cheeks and pulled me back in a hug

"I'm so sorry that happen Y/n" I pulled away from her and looked down to my shoes

"Can we leave now?" I mumbled over to Dinah

We are going to ditch the rest of the day and right now I don't wanna hear Camila apologize for her idiot boyfriend


"Wait where are you going?" Camila asked grabbing my hand but I pulled away

"I'm taking her home she doesn't want to be here" I walked to the door letting them talk which sounded more like arguing,

"Tell Shawn i don't care I'm doing what's best for her I don't see his ass here trying to help her out" Dinah walked out and grabbed my hand

"Lets go"

A/n: I'm so done with this drama with the fandom..

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