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Shawn's pov,
I walked passed Y/n and I noticed a red mark on her neck I stop on my track and turn to her,

"Yo Y/n?" She turned starting at me in shock

"Yes?" I move her head and she quickly pulled away from me

"You have a hickey?! You're doing stuff with my Mila"

"She's not yours Shawn you guys broke up, why do you care anyways" I gripped my hands walking away, wow they just been dating for a month and their already having sex?! I been with Camila for a year and we haven't even moved to anything sexual!

Your pov,
"Whoa whoa do I see a lovers bite" I blushed looking down to the floor Dinah laughed tapping my shoulder,

"Damn Mila is marking her girl" I smiled opening my locker

"I was actually trying to hide it but I guess I'm failing at that" I mumbled pulling my shirt slight higher

"Why would you want to hide that? It's showing everyone you got a girl" I just held my shirt up to my neck,

I was going to turn to my locker when I felt soft hands wrap around my waist,

"Cheating on me with Dinah now" I chuckled fixing my shirt I turned to Cami shaking my head no and leaning down for a kiss,

"Mm hi" Camila added pecking my lips once more

"Good morning" I kissed her cheek wrapping my arm around her shoulder

"Hi Mani" I mumbled but she was busy with Dinah

"Hey Dinah!" Camila yelled making the two pull way and face us

"Hey Mila" Dinah chuckled

"Hey Y/n-ay Camila marked her territory" Mani smirked crossing her arms

"They must of done a little something last night" Dinah supposedly whispered to Normani

"Shut up Dinah" I said feeling my cheeks heat up I felt Camila's hand move to my back pocket slightly giving me a pat I looked over to her and she just smirked

"Well we need to get to class soon so baby want to join me to my locker?" Normani asked Dinah

"Of course babe, see you guys" the two left leaving my girlfriend and I

"You look rather comfortable today" Camila added slightly pulling the strings of my joggers

"Yes well jeans were kinda getting annoying" she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck

"What?" I chuckled placing my hands on her hips Camila looked in a very good mood today which is mostly like ever other day but something is different,

"Nothing I'm just so happy you're mine" I kissed her cheek pulling her into a hug

"Its cause you gave her dick" Camila and I pulled away and Lauren stood behind us laughing

"Shut up Lauren" Camila added crossing her arms

"It's the truth and thank god you two finally had sex geez" Lauren punched my shoulder making me rubbing my arm, damn I'm a wimp.

"Anyways Camz practice is cancelled today so yeah we got free this afternoon"

"Awesome finally there haven't been any games for months and we're practicing for no reason" Lauren chuckled nodding

"Yeah so why don't we hang out today, you in Mendes?" Beats being home with Shawn

"Sure oh wait is Dinah coming?"

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