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Dinah's pov,
"Dinah!" I jumped off my bed putting my hands up ready to fight when my vision came clear I saw my girlfriend,

"Geez baby really?!" I sat back down and she sat beside me handing me her phone,

"Geez baby really?!" I sat back down and she sat beside me handing me her phone,

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{thanks to Shawnmilalyf on Insta😛}

"What the fuck?! Is this from last night?!" I asked facing Mani

"Uh yeah I had no idea Lauren had a photographer around for the party!" Oh Y/n is going to be heart broken

"That isn't the only picture there's one of them in the kitchen flirting one upstairs with Shawn having Camila against the wall I don't know if they were taken at the right moment or if she was really into it but they look wow" i swipe through the pictures and I just wanted to slap the fuck out of Camila they really do look like she's into it.

"Wait go back" I raised brow and went back

"I look good as fuck, screen shot it" I chuckled and screenshot the picture

"You always look gorgeous" I smiled placing a kiss on her cheek she blushed adding,

"Thanks baby" she smiled pecking my lips.
It was later on the day and I was going to go see Y/n while Mani went to Camila's we wanted to see if they saw the pictures yet I'm hoping Y/n didn't because she would be devastated,

I knocked on the door but no one answered I knocked once again a little harder but still nothing I pulled out my phone and called Y/n but she didn't answer I groan and grab the door handle and the door was unlocked?

I walked in and it was quiet I went up to my best friends room and open the door and she was sitting at her desk readying a book,

"Uh Y/n" she turned smiling slightly her eyes were bloodshot from crying im sure

"Hey Dj" my body went numb I hate seeing her in anyway upset,

"Hey bud everything okay?" She nodded slightly turning to her book I went over to her and stood beside her,

"Shawn told me...um that ca-Camila said she wanted him?" She bit her lip shaking her head slightly gripping her hands

"I didn't believe him...I still don't" she whispered letting out a shaky sigh

"You shouldn't, you know he done this before" she nodded facing me

"I broke up with her" her voice cracked and her lip tremble I sighed kneeing down and pulling her into a tight hug she gripped my sweater,

"It's okay bud you did what you felt was best" I added before she started crying.
Normani's pov,
I rang the door bell to Mila's house and Ally answered the door,

"Hi Mani" she let me in and shut the door behind me

"Is Mila okay?" I asked she gave me a sad smile shaking her head no

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