Chapter 12

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She said "Boy, tell me honestly
Was it real or just for show?"

She said "Save your apologies
Baby. I just gotta know"


How long has this been going on?
You've been creeping 'round on me
While you're calling me Baby
How long has this been going on?
You've been acting so shady
I've been feeling it lately. Baby


I decided to take my earphones out to answer Robin, who is already out of breath. I knew going on a morning jog with him was a bad idea.

"What is it?" We stopped for the fifth time in an hour. I turned to see Robin kneeling on the grass, taking deep breaths. "You're out of shape, loser."

"Could... at least... sit down... you're blocking the sun." He was panting between each break. 'What a drama queen,' I rolled my eyes.

"What sun, Robin? It's 5 am," I retorted, internally face-palming. "You just don't like that I'm still standing while you're dying on the ground." I was already getting irritated. "So pick up your stupid man pride and let's go, you man-child!" I pulled a shocked Robin by his forearm, and we started jogging once again. This time, however, we were going at a pace slower than a snail... this was going to be a long day...

We jogged, excuse me, we walked to the mansion. Besides the fact that my morning jog didn't exactly go as planned, I enjoyed the fresh air and the exotic smell of the various flowers in the garden, and the chirping of the birds that overcame Robin's incessant complaints.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Robin."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh look, it's Alonso!" I skipped towards Alonso, leaving a fuming Robin behind me. He kept muttering something like, next time I won't be the one keeping up with him...

"Good morning, Alonso!" I kissed his cheek and greeted the other guards standing next to us.

"What's up, Sparkie? How are you?" He asked with a charming smile.

"I'm fine, and in good shape unlike some people," I snickered, pointing at Robin. He looks like he's in an argument with some guard; he never gets tired of talking.

"Asking Robin for a morning jog was a bad idea," Alonso said, adjusting his tie. "Next time, come to me." I chuckled at his cockiness. I was about to respond, but the devil suddenly appeared.

"Come to you for what?" Ferro questioned with a frown. You could clearly see the veins in his forehead, looking just about ready to pop. 'Talk about a good morning; Robin first, and now Ferro.'

"Nothing, we were just-"

"And what are you wearing?" He cut me off while eying me up and down. 'How rude!'

"Sports clothes." Quite obvious, don't you think..?

"We have a clothes regulation here, Sparkle!" he spat.

Alonso gave him an 'are-you-kidding me' look, which proved that Ferro's speaking nonsense.

"Sorry sir, but I'm not wearing anything exposing," I apologised.

And that was true. I was wearing Nike shorts and a tank top. I took a look at him from under my lashes; he seems madder now, and his fists were clenching. Looks like someone has anger issues...

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