Chapter 2

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I kept on following Gina threw the house lucky for me she still guided me or I would be lost by now considering the many turnes she took ;I was like an idiot gawking about each corner we passes by .I crushed all of sudden in Gina's back who abrutly stopped infront a big wooden door I couldn't help but admire every detail of the well defined decoration the door held .

" Okay sweety this is Ferro's office he's the boss ,he's just gonna ask you some questions then you can sign the contract " She said kissing my cheeks " I will wait right here for you okay " I nodded knocking on the door I heard a firm 'come in ' from the other side ,I could tell that he wasn't too old by his voice ,I turned the knob and step inside the office closing the door behind me ,I stayed put looking at my shoes which all of sudden became the most interesting thing at the moment .

" Sit " Came a hard command from the other person in the room ,I kept on walking until I found a chair ,I sat still looking down ,this guy's aura was stronge he's obviously a guy that shoudn't be messed with .

" You're the new maid ? " He asked ,if I may say more like making a statement .

" Yes " I respond with a soft tone .

" Look at me when I'm talking to you " He commanded ,my sight came across a messy wooden desk followed by a strong chest covered with an Armani suit and finally to the face of the boss as Gina says ,I was met with a beautiful creature ,yes ladies and gentlemen a beautiful men but his eyes said something else ,he had a hard gaze that would kill .

" Look at me when I'm talking to you " He commanded ,my sight came across a messy wooden desk followed by a strong chest covered with an Armani suit and finally to the face of the boss as Gina says ,I was met with a beautiful creature ,yes ladies ...

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" O-okay" I said trying to keep looking at his eyes .

" Sign this contract then you can start working " He slided the contract across the desk ,the contract has at least two papers ,I can't sign it without reading it .

" I need some time to read it " I said finaly finding my words ,he wasn't too pleased to hear that considering the furious look he gave me .

" Make it quick " He snapped ,I tried reading it as fast as possible the contract mainly talks about my payement ,college and something about Omertà I couldn't stop myself from asking .

" What's Omertà ? "I asked him ,he gave a murderous look " I mean I know it's an italien word but I don't know what -" 

" Shut up " He hissed making me flinch ,he sighed "It's a code of silence to keep the secrets of the house " 'well this is his house after all ' I thought .

" Can I borrow a pen " I said referring to his pen ,I know I'm pushing my luck ,he nodded handing it to me with no skin contact ,I sign it with shacky hands can you blame me I could feel his eyes burning holes in my head . I handed him the papers and his pen back .

" That would be all you can leave " He said dissmissing me .

Gina bombarded me with question as fast I've put my foot outside I told her about everything that happend without forgetting his temper 

" Don't worry sweetheart if he steps out of his limits you tell me ,he may've became a strong scary men to others but not to me " I imagined her twisting the scary boss ear caussing me to giggle ,we made it to a different   of the house it looks like my college dorm but more classy and fancy ,people greeted us some just gave us a smile and others wishing us goodnight ,we kept on walking until we stopped infront of Gina's room ,her bedroom was normal but you can feel the warmness radiating from it .

" Okay sweety ,we will share the bed I can't let a sweetheart like you sleep on the couch " She gave me a nightgown and showed me the bathroom to wash up and get ready to sleep ,when I went out Gina was already in bed with extra fuzzy blankets I layed beside her taking all the heat I can .

" It gets colder around here at night " I snuggled next to here "So tomorrow when you're packing make sure to get warm clothes "

" Okay ,goodnight Gina " I said before dozzing off .

-Next Morning - 

I could feel someone shaking me gently ,I honestly don't know if this person is trying to wake me up or make me go back to sleep .

" Sweety it's time for breakfast " Okay we are talking about food I can't it's my weakness ,I did my morning routine and went outside to find Gina waiting for me ,we went to  what seemed like a big living room filled with scattered people all around the place I noticed Robin sitting in a couch having a conversation with some tall guy I diverted my eyes before he could see me .

Breakfast was tasty and of course I finished my plate which cause Gina to refile it everytime saying I don't eat enough in her perspective ,everybody was at ease and comfortable around each other until now I think that I made a good decision of working her .I observed a tall bulky  guy wearing a dark blue suit with short black hair coming toward us I pocked Gina to get her attention but she was too busy talking on her phone .

" Hey there sweetcheeks " He said looking down at me making me feel smaller than I am ,I give a quiet Hi in return making a big smile appear on his face ,he was about to say something else when Gina finaly noticed him

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" Hey there sweetcheeks " He said looking down at me making me feel smaller than I am ,I give a quiet Hi in return making a big smile appear on his face ,he was about to say something else when Gina finaly noticed him .

" Alonso how are you this fine morning ?" She asked sipping her tea .

" I'm great Gina ,and I believe this Sparkle " He said looking at me making a blush rising up my face ,I know what you are thinking but I have the right to blush I'm surrounded by hot men .

" Yes , you gonna take her to collect her stuff and if the little birdy tell me that you made her feel uncomfortable you gonna have to deal with me " She said with a sharp look in her eyes .

" Wow I'm not Robin I don't f*ck anything with a hole " He said lifting his hand in surrender .

" Okay remember what I told you yesterday " She said pushing my hair out of my face ,I nodded before she continue "Okay ,have a safe drive " She gave a kiss on the cheek before I leave .

" Follow me " Said Alonso while adjusting his tie ,we met up with some of his friends and of course they all talked italien and I was left dummed fooled I tried hidding behind him and let them finish their talk ,we finaly reached our ride a black Land Rover .

" Get in sweetcheeks " He opened the passenger seat door for me 'what a gentleman ' that what a thought but the smirk he had said something else .

" Thank you " I said ,well there is no need to be impolite ,he was sitting beside me in a second he took a moment to look at me before turning the engine .

" So sweetcheek ,it just you and me now " He said with a smirk .

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