Chapter 7

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After that blissful nap, I feel like I'm hundred percent ready for anything that comes my way, even that cold-heated jerk, FERRO .I mean ,I undeestand that his 'job' relies on being cold and emotionless, but from what I've heard and seen he treats the people working for him equally and takes a good care of them .Well I'm one of them, aren't I ?Or does he just have a personel vendetta against me? He already knows that I'm intimidated by him so why he keep picking on me ? Maybe I remind him of someone he hates or dislikes ? Or all of this could be a test ? No, it's definitely not; Gina would have told me about this .
Honestly, all of my problems could disappear with one conversation from Gina. Ferro seems to respect her and listens to her not; just him, but the whole house .
I was pulled out if my thoughts by someone knocking furiously on my door. WAIT, I CLOSED MY DOOR ? THAT'S A FIRST .
"One minute, I'm coming ." I hurried to the door, afraid that it might be an emergency. As soon as I opened the door I was crushed in a hug, not even given the chance to see who it is, but I recognized that it was Robin from his beautiful soft curls .
"Oh sh*t Sparkle, I-We were so worried about you! You didn't make it to lunch; I thought something happened to you " You could tell from his tone that he was truly worried. I've never seen him like this before since he takes everything as a joke . A SERIOUS ROBIN ? NO WAY .
"What ?I wasn't hungry so I took a nap instead. Lisa saw me before I went to my room, you could have asked her because she was the last one to see me " I told him. He sighed before releasing me from his bear hug.
"I asked her, but after what Alonso told me, I couldn't help but see you " He said moving his hand through his wild hair .
I slapped his hand " Stop it. Someday you're going to wake up without your precious hair ,so remember my words. And what did Alonso come to check on me ? Could he be the one who locked the door ? But how did he get hold of my key, there are only two:  mine, which is still on my desk, and the other one with Gina . If she was the one who closed the door, she would have told Robin.
"Oh you know, just Alonso and his bullsh*t " He said looking nervous .
"You know ,for someone working for the mafia you are TERRIBLE at lying " I said with a smirk on my face .
"Oh Sparkie ,if you only knew " He said with a devious smirk ,putting my own to shame. The next thing I know, he's throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes .
" Robin! Put me down, you idiot !" I said punching his back .
" Are those love taps, Hun ?" He grinned, closing my bedroom door. We kept on moving, greeting the guards and the maids that passed us by . They all have almost the same reaction at seeing me on his shoulder. Smirking, chuckling or giggling and no one would come to rescue me.
"You guys are the worst !" I won't be doing any favours for any of you in the future!"
"Aw, you are toi sweet to hold a grudge" Said Antony from the couch, chilling with some guys on break.
"Mark my words..." I said dramatically .
We entered our final stop, the kitchen . I was welcomed with the delicious smell of italien dishes. My stomach started growling, angry for being neglected today.
"Robin, stop teasing her " YES ,GINA! FINALLY, SOMEONE IS GONNA SAVE ME !
"Yes ma'am "
He put me on a stool and I was given a bowl of mac and cheese .
"Aw my baby, you get thinner day after day "Gina said squishing my cheeks.
"Owkaay ...." I tried speaking while being face-assaulted. I was about to start my delicious meal when the devil himself made an entrance .
"Robin, follow me. Gina I need to talk to you " He said not sparing me a glance-like I wasn't even here. Wait, was that a request? So he CAN be nice, just not with me .
"Sure " He and Robin went out first .
"Get your bowl and come Sparkle " This sound interesting, and Gina's here so I'm on safe grounds . Ferro was talking Italien and whatever they happened to discuss seemed to attract Gina's attention. "No, that's not what the schedule savs "
"Yeah, that's what I said but I have an idea that cou-"
"No" Ferro denied. Poor Robin :couldn't even finish his sentence because HE likes to be the dominant in everything, even in a simple conversation. WHAT A JERK, I thought. Suddenly the voices died down. I turned to see a shocked Ferro and Gina with a smirking Robin .
"What? Is there a spider in my hair?" I asked ,checking my hair.
"Am I a jerk ?" Questioned Robin with a grin .
"What? No" Okay I'm confused for the second time this day. Have I missed something ?
Ferro was glaring at me now while Gina starts chuckling quietly.
'Aren't you a sweetheart? Come on Ferro, let's discuss this in your office . Robin get some rest" She left with Ferro following her, but not before he gave me a smirk that sent chills down my body .
"What was that all about?" I asked Robin, who was still smirking " and stop smirking you idiot"
"You just called the Boss a jerk "
"No, I didn't "
"Yes, you did"
WAIT A SECOND ....I SOPKE OUT LOUD ! I realized, causing a frown to appear on my face. I'M IN DEEP TROUBLE...
Robin saw my reaction and lost his smirk "Hey ,nothing is gonna happen to you, okay? C'mon,I'll walk you to your room "
After that, I spent most of my time studying. I was so into my homework that I lost track of time ,and when I checked, it was about midnight already. Lucky for me, my classes don't start until the morning.
I was combing my hair and getting ready for bed when Ferro came barging into my room. I was surprised so I didn't have time for being angry.
"Yo-You ...what do you think you're doing ?"
"Why don't you throw me some more of your middle-school insults, or has your confidence vanished?"
"I was just stating the truth" I muttered, crossing my arms with the brush still in my hand. I could use it as a weapon-who knows?
"What as that?" We were face-to-face now.
When I didn't answer him, he slammed my wrists above my head and against the wall, causing my pathetic weapon to leave my palm.
"You know, the last person who insulted me was beaten and hospitalized for four months..."He whispered into my hair sending shivers down my spine " But considering Gina's love for you, I'll give you a small punishement that will suit a little girl like you "
He continued with a mocking tone "You'll be my personal maid for a week "
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