Chapter 11

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I was enjoying my dream of being in the beautiful beach in Malaga, the warm sensation of the sun on my body, the smell of fresh air and salty water... until I was disturbed by someone poking my forehead, waking me up and back to the real world. I scrunched up my nose in annoyance, causing the jerk to chuckle and move to pinching my cheek.

"Wakey wakey, Sparkie!" I swear I'm going to kill Robin someday.

I swatted his nosy hands away from my face and turned my back to him, hoping that he would leave me alone. Unfortunately, I wasn't as lucky as I'd hoped.

"If you don't get up in the next five seconds, I will call the 'tickle monster'." I jolted up as soon as I heard his threat. I gave up and glared at him instead.

"Meanie, we're throwing threats now," I said, shoving him out of my way.

"You know you fell asleep in Ferro's bed."

"I know that, you idiot! If he did mind, he would have kicked me out or yelled at me, not cover me." I fixed my uniform. "And where is he? He's sick; he should rest and take his medicine." I start worrying about him since he started coughing. I looked at the bedside table and groaned. "He left his medicine here." I shook my head at his reckless behaviour.

"So you're worrying about Boss now," Robin said smirking.

"He's the head of the mafia; he should get better soon and the only way to do that is by resting and taking medicine," I replied, rolling my eyes at his suggestion.

"Well I agree, especially since we have guests." That piqued my interest. I didn't know guests were coming, nobody told me. Could that man, the one with Alexandra, be one of them?

"What is it, Sparkie? Is there something on your mind?" Robin asked, peeking beneath my curtain of hair to my face.

"It's nothing." I smiled at his concerned tone. "You're such a softie, Robin." I pinched his cheek. I started making the bed whilst Robin grumbled about how tiresome his day was. He kept me company until I finished.

"But seriously, Sparkie; if anything happens, come and tell me. Okay?" Those guests are definitely getting to Robin's nerves. I nodded to reassure him. "Well then, would you like me to escort you to the kitchen, Madame?" He questioned politely bowing like a true gentleman, causing me to giggle and take his hand.

"Of course, kind sir."

We linked our arms and went through the now full corridors, receiving all kind of teasing and funny comments. All of sudden, Robin snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against him.

"What's wrong, Robin?"

He only shushed me and glared at something ahead. I followed his gaze until I was met with the eyes of the same guy that was 'doing things' with Alexandra. I won't lie; he is quite handsome and really tall, with an evil look in his eyes accompanied with a mocking smirk. It's like he and Robin were having a telepathic argument; you could feel the tension between them. He switched his gaze to me and his smirk widened. He licked his lower lip and winked at me, and that was the last straw. Robin pulled me into the empty hallway to the right.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned, rubbing his arm to relax him a little.

"It's nothing." He answered with a hard edge to his voice.

"He's one of the guests?" I stated rather than asked.

"Yes. Go to the kitchen, Gina was asking about you." He changed the topic. I could tell he wasn't in the mood, so I sighed and decided to do as he says.

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