Naruto's Resolve

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"*sigh* did you really have to come with us?" asked a disgruntled Naruto

"Yes! After all, supervision from a sage is a necessity when learning how to harness nature chakra." answered Jiraiya.

"As much as I don't like the idea, he is right, Naruto. The more help you receive with this delicate art, the better. Either way, you still need to pass my test." Kurama stated.

After leaving Tanzaku town, Jiraiya decided that accompanying Naruto as he trains was the best course of action. It was the least he could do as a sign of apology towards Naruto for not being there for him.

However, it then dawned on Naruto, during his meeting with Nagato, his ears and tail had appeared without any trouble. Why did Kurama say it was dangerous now when he didn't back them?

"Kurama, during my meeting with Nagato, my fox ears and tail emerged yet you only laughed at the time. Why was it different back at Tanzaku Town?" Asked Naruto ignoring Jiraiya's eyes widening and his mouth gape at the mention of Nagato's name.

"At the time, I was inside the seal stabilizing the intake of nature chakra until you summoned me. I did say once our chakras' began to cooperate with each other, you began to absorb nature chakra, yet I was always inside the seal stabilizing it. Back at Tanzaku Town, I was outside of the seal while you absorbed nature chakra, meaning, you were not categorizing it like I did. That could've resulted in you turning to stone in the middle of a crowded street." Explained Kurama as his tails waved around.

To Naruto, it seemed logical, however, to Jiraiya, it seemed unfair.

"So you're meaning to tell me that Naruto has the benefit of having someone helping him control nature chakra when I had to work for it?!" Asked a disgruntled Jiraiya.

"Oh, shut up! I remember that two small toads have to merge with you for you to turn to sage mode, so don't complain! If that were the case, then Naruto is the one allowed to complain that you have one more source of help to gather nature chakra." Scolded Kurama. It was not an everyday thing to see a small nine-tailed fox scold a perverted toad sage, so Naruto chuckled at the fact.

"Either way, I will have to learn how to gather nature chakra without Kurama. Some day, I might need it while Kurama is summoned so I cannot afford to not learn it." Naruto analyzed as he walked.

"That is right, however, as I have stated multiple times now, you still need to pass my final test. For that, we need to travel to another plane. The Fox Summoning Plane to be exact. Kitsune no Kuni is the summoning plane for us the foxes which is better hidden than even Myobokusan." Began to explain Kurama as his eyes turned soft.

"Despite popular belief, us tailed beasts are not demons. We're summoning sages. You can even categorize those small toad sages of Jiraiya a rank under us, simply because of their size and power. When the Sage of the Six Paths separated us from the Juubi, or ten tails, we were meant to be guardians of the Elemental Nations. However, you can see how that turned out." Once more, Kurama's eyes softened further.

"I believe you will be the one to change this situation, Naruto. Despite the power you now wield, you don't purposefully seek for more. It comes to you naturally to make up for the suffering you endured. Despite all that, you still seek to help others rather than yourself. Even now, I can sense you still have the need to forgive those who wronged you at some point in time by giving them a test to earn another chance. To any other person, those who wronged them would be dead if the chance arose. But not you. You're different. You're stronger than any other of your species. That is what drove me to help you as much as I could. And I don't regret anything I've done. " Kurama ended as both Jiraiya and Naruto pondered upon his words.

To Jiraiya, this sounded exactly like the prophecy the Elder Toad Sage told him about. Those were the exact qualities the Child of Prophecy would have and are what made him powerful.

Jiraiya turned to look at Naruto. 'Maybe, Naruto is the Child of Prophecy. The one to bring peace to the world.' Thought Jiraiya with pride.

As Naruto pondered on what Kurama said, his eyes turned from cerulean to a shocking bright blue as his Sharingan activated, shocking Jiraiya even further.

"This world has suffered enough. I am a prime example of just how much pain anything can take, and I can say, I will bring peace to this world. Starting with the Akatsuki. Their goal is too ambitious to not cause pain, so I will seek a way to change their plans. For that, I will need help from many others. But heed my words, this world shall have peace. Even if its is the last thing I do!"


Sorry for the late update, however, the story will get better soon, I promise. Hope you all enjoyed!😊

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