《Chapter 0.17》

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Lisa POV
I just finished eating dinner with my parents before I head upstairs to my room. I was super exhausted for some reason, and seeing my bed in front of me was not helping at all. The past few months Jungkook, and I visit Grandma Jeon right after school. It's becoming a routine for him and me. And honestly, I can't be kept away from those two ladies. I enjoy every visit with grandma Jeon and, Miss Byul; their presence is just delightful and loveable.

I've built such a close relationship with both women that I do not want anything to happen to both women's especially Grandma Jeon, once we approach a new day; the more she becomes so ill. On the bright side, this month marked mine and Jungkook 6 months of being together; sadly we did not do anything. But we both promised each other to celebrate our seven months being together next month.

I quickly changed into something comfortable before hopping into my bed. Before I could even lay on my back, my phone started ringing. I immediately pull myself back up again to answer the call without even looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I manage to say into the phone.

"Hey, sleepy head. Why do sound so sleepy?" I heard Jungkook chuckled on the other line.

"I was just about to go to sleep, but it looks like I'm not since I'm up now," I let out a disappointed tone.

"I'm so sorry baby girl," Jungkook apologized then continues, "But on a Friday night?" He teased for me to snicker at his question.

"Maybe I had too much fun with grandma Jeon and Miss byul today that's causing me to be this sleepy,"

"Those two troublemakers. But, Lisa listen I want to take you out tonight," turning my head to see the time, it just hit nine o'clock.

"Kookie, it's nine o'clock. Where can we possibly go?" I question the boy suggestion.

"Anywhere, I just want to spend time with you," Jungkook whined into the phone.

"Fine, I'll choose." A slight smile appears on my face after hearing jungkook extended "ooohh" on the other line.

"Where to princess?" I manage to control my over-excited expression hearing his remarks.

"Don't expect somewhere fun because we're going to one of my favorite cafè."

"I'm fine with it. Be ready; I'm coming over right now," he quickly assured before ending the call.

I lazily pull myself out of my comfortable bed, changing into an all-black outfit. Black leggings, over-sized hoodie, and a jacket. I made my way down the stairs surprised to see my boyfriend and dad staring up at me by the stairs case with a mischievous smile.

"What's with the smile?" I raised an eyebrow at the two.

"Nothing, I'm just happy I've got to see my future son-in-law," I missed the last step of the stairs that made me stumble into my dad and boyfriend arms.

"Dad, please" I gave him a look, but that didn't stop my dad endlessly teased.

"Okay, sweetie. But on a serious note, you two be careful," My dad kissed my forehead before sending Jungkook and me off. Jungkook and I reach our destination about 15 minutes later. Entering the cafè hand in hand, we were greeted by the workers as we step up to order our drinks.

Author POV
The cafè was calm filled with a few couples including Lisa and Jungkook. "Thank you," the two couple uttered soon as they saw their drinks and dessert placed in front of them.

Lisa tightened her fingers around her drinks and released a deep sigh. The guy stares worriedly at his girlfriend with an unsure look on his face.

Tilting his head, Jungkook finally speaks up, "What's wrong?"

Lisa avoided any eye contact without any response, "babe," Jungkook whined as he lifts his girlfriend chin up gently. "Talk to me," his chuckled die down when their eyes finally met.

"You've been very quiet ever since on our way here," The guy assures with a gentle tone.

"W-well... I-ll...." Lisa stutter to explain.

"Come here angel," Lisa leaned in as she been told just for her boyfriend to caressed her cheeks lovingly.

"Talk to me, what's on your beautiful mind love?" Jungkook asked once again.

"I want to discuss something with you," Lisa finally released with a nervous look. The girl continued when she received the approval look from her boyfriend.

"I want to..." Lisa words quickly come to a halt soon as Jungkook cut her off. "Please don't say you want a breakup," Jungkook warned.

"No, I'm not breaking up with you silly," Lisa chuckled upon Jungkook cute yet concerned reaction.

"I want to take our relationship to the next level. I want for our seven month anniversary to be extra special," The girl whispered for her boyfriend to hear it.

Jungkook was left speechless, eyed-wide unable to speak. "I'm ready! Kook, please say something," Lisa mumbled obviously embarrassed.

"Jagiya, are you sure? I want you to be extremely sure about it. This is one of those things I never want to make you feel pressured about. I'm honored, and this is something very important baby," Jungkook held Lisa hand staring directly into her eyes.

"I'm positive," Lisa clarified squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

"I don't care if it takes five years, ten years of wait. When it comes to you, your different. I treasure you so damn much. I don't like to think that you have this idea in your mind that since we're not making love like any couple that I would leave you, but my goal is different. I want to spend my whole life with you," Jungkook declared making Lisa blush pretty hard.

"I got you fall in love with me pretty hard, didn't I?' Lisa joked to hear an unexpected reply back by Jungkook.

"Hell yes, and I thank you for being in my life Lisa," Jungkook leaned in for a tender kiss from his girlfriend.

《Chapter.17 is up》
|| damn this chapter is too much to handle ||🌟


《 Are yah excited for the next chapter?😜 stay tuned 😏 》

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