30. Secret Santa

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Walking from door to door,
Old Santa finally came to a halt,
His aching feet pulsing with pain
And his mind buzzing with fault.

Wondered he, with bewilderment
Why roamed he with little things,
When people could get them just the same,
If all they did was pray to wings.

Soothing his swollen feet,
The sage finally looked up with a smile,
Here was an idea that made sense,
That would take his children long a mile.

Disguised in the form of a being,
He sent out companions to tie,
Deciding it was time for old myths to rest
And let bloom a new one than die.

And so took birth Secret Santa,
The progeny of a lore so whimsical,
To each a person his closest ones,
Giving everything with love so fantastical.

But little did Old Santa realize,
That even in love saw people value,
Not of sentimentality but of material,
Emotions and feelings so blue.

So thus he grew to a conclusion,
That gifts were no longer an option,
Blessings were what remained neglected,
And that was to be showered without hesitation.

To the ones with struggles supreme
Came the blessing of respite and air,
To the ones with grieves too many
Came a friend with love and care.

To the ones with happiness abundant
Came the blessing of gratitude so fair,
To the ones with loneliness at par
Came a partner so whole to pair.

To the ones with bitter resentments
Came the blessing of contentment rare,
To the ones with anguishes unspoken
Came a companion of trust and dare.

To the ones with hopes so high
Came the blessing of reality so bare,
To the ones falling short of faith
Came the virtue of patience like a flare.

Old Santa smiled heartwarmingly
As Rudolph took him around in his sleigh,
He knew that his progeny was now a harvest sowed
As he looked at the benign blessings scattered like snow.

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