Red smiled at Green then he threw him a smirk.

"So, where is my three good morning and good night kisses?"

Green instantly stopped laughing and blushed as he looked down.

"Tick tock the clock is running down." Red teased.

Green rolled his eyes and shot up onto the bed and kissed him hard. Red was surprised because he was just teasing. He didn't know that Green was actually going to kiss him.

"Oh my! Well we came in at the wrong time!" They heard the nurse say behind them.

They both broke apart and Green turned to see everyone standing there and blushed a deep dark red.

"Oh don't mind us you can keep going." Daisy smirked.

"Daisy!!" Green yelled.

The nurse giggled beside Daisy "You boys are adorable together!"

"I can agree with you on that one!" Blue joined in.

Everybody laughed as they watch Green get off the bed and glared at them all.

"Glad to see everyone awake and well." Said a voice behind them.

Behind them stood a man. He was 5'9 and he had dark hair with grey eyes. He had a tan that made him look like he was a native and he had a mustache.

"Hello Red, my name is Doctor Evan Henry. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, when do I go home?" Red questioned.

"Whoa not so fast young man, you were stabbed three times three days ago and I need to do a checkup. If you are alright I will let you out tomorrow morning."

"Damn." Was all Red replied with.

"Red be good!" Dani scolded. "I was so scared, watching my baby boy get stabbed three times from that crazy little manic!"

Red sent her a sad smile. "I'm okay mom I promise. By the way what happened to Yellow?"

"Well after we peeled her off of you, your mom pinned her to the ground and Crystal called the cops." Silver stated.

"Man! You should have seen Green when he came home! He went all crazy on her!" Gold screamed.

"Gold shut up!" Green yelled at him.

"Oh? I want to hear this?" Red said.

"Yes! Okay so Green came in after hearing all this screaming and Yellow managed to escape from Dani and Yellow tried to stab her and then Green ran and kicked the freaking knife out of her hand, punched her in the nose and freaking flipped her over his shoulder onto the ground!" Gold screamed once again.

"What! Mom are you okay!" Red yelped.

"I'm fine sweetheart." Dani told him gently.

"Oh thank god!" Red breathed then he looked at Green who was trying to hide behind his sister.

"Green stop hiding!" Daisy scolded him and pushed him towards Red.

"And you come here." Red said holding out his hand towards Green. The other male bit his lip and walked towards his boyfriend.

Red took his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed. "You are freaking awesome have I ever told you that?"

"No." Green said in a quiet voice.

"Well you know what? You are an awesome beautiful perfect boyfriend ever. I love you."

"Stop embarrassing me!" Green wailed as his entire face, neck and ears went red.

Everyone laughed at that as the doctor rolled his eyes while he was checking on the machines writing on his checkboard.

"Alright Red you are good to go I will make an exception and let you go home tonight since you mom is here already." The doctor told Red as he signed out some paperwork and gave it to his mother.

"Yes!" Red cheered.

"Thank you doctor." Dani smiled at him and told Red to go get changed.

When Red started to get changed and everyone was waiting out in the hallway Their group of friends said their farewells and left along with Daisy. When Red stepped out into the hallway he looked around.

"Where did everyone go?"

"They went home they promised that they will visit tomorrow." Green told him.

"Alright boys let's get to the car and go home." Dani said as she was already half way down the hall.

"Jeez why do you always walk so fast I was just stabbed!?" Red muttered while walking to catch up.

"Don't walk so fast! She can wait just take it easy ok?" Green yelped.

Both boys slowed down and Red was glad that Green told him to slow down. Walking that fast was killing him. When they got outside it was dark and Red was wondering how late it was. He shrugged and decided he didn't care he just wanted to get home and snuggle with his boyfriend and get some sleep.

As they climbed into the car, Red surprised both Dani and Green when he slipped into the back with Green and yawned.

"Aw you must be tired. Go ahead and sleep ok?" Green said in a quiet voice.

Red yawned and nodded while he got comfortable and pulled Green towards him and rested his head on Green's shoulder.

Green smiled and ran his hand through Red's soft black hair and looked out the window and smiled. Red was okay, he was alive and they didn't have to worry about Yellow.

Maybe everything was going to be okay and normal for once after this.

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