Chapter Twenty: Everybody's Talkin'

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The bell rang and me and Yuri held hands to my next class, which was a study hall. I already had most of my credits so I took a study hall this year.

Me and the four girls all sat down at a round table, which was in the school library.

"So what do you guys think so far?" I said.

"It seems nice." Sayori said.

"The girls here are... odd to say the least." Monika said.

"I never really payed attention." Natsuki said, still absorbed in her manga.

Yuri looked at me with really sad eyes.

"I really want to go home." she said.

"I know, it'll get easier. I was like that on my first day too." I said while patting Yuri's head.

Monika gave me an angry stare and kicked me in the shin from across the table.

"Anyway if any of you need to catch up on some work, now would be the time." I said.

Yuri pulled out the book I gave her and Monika started texting on her phone.

Sayori opened her backpack and pulled out a paper. She began to doodle something.

I pulled out my phone and saw that Monika began to text me.

M: I really want to go home 🙁

S: Me too, class is almost over.

M: Thank God, I ❤️ u

S: I ❤️ u too

M: 💏

I put my phone back in my pocket and went to go use the bathroom. I stood in the bathroom and pulled out the envelope that Khalil gave me last night.

I observed the images to try and see what angle the pictures were taken. It's almost as if they were taken from the boardwalk. They were probably there right before I went up there.

The bell was about to ring so I went back into the library. Sayori finished her doodle. It looks almost as if she was trying to draw me.

Natsuki was still reading her manga and Monika was playing Candy Crush on her phone. Yuri on the other hand, completely passed out with her head down on the table. I shook her and woke her up.

The bell rang and we made it to our next class, which was health. I really hated that class. It was always so depressing. The teacher never showed up so we just ended up doing jack shit the entire time.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. We walked to our lockers to get our lunches.

I pulled my lunch out of my locker and all the girls looked sadly at me.

"I... forgot to pack my lunch." Sayori said.

"Me too." Monika said.

"I did as well." Yuri said.

"Yeah... I did too." Natsuki said.

I handed them all money so they could all buy themselves lunches. We walked downstairs to the lunch room.

I sat down at my usual table and waited for the girls to get out of the lunch line.

My friend Drew was the first one to get out of the lunch line. He sat across from me.

"Hey man." he said.

"Hey Drew, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just another day in Paradise right?" he said.

I laughed. I looked towards the lunch line and saw that the girls were coming out. They walked over to my table and began to sit down.

"Um Spence, who are the girls?" Drew said.

"Oh um, well this is Monika." I said while pointing to Monika, who sat down next to me.

"It's a pleasure." Monika said to Drew.

"And that's Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori." I pointed to each one of them with their respective names.

"Hi there!" Sayori said.

"Hi..." Yuri said.

"Who the hell are you." Natsuki said.

Drew looked over at me with a smile on his face.

"Hey wasn't Monika the name of that computer girl that you fell in love with and wore that ring for?" Drew said while pointing at the ring on my left hand.

"Aweeeeeeeee." Monika said while hugging my arm. Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri all stared a hole in me.

"T-two different people Drew!" I said.

"What? You're afraid to show off our love to your friends? I am your girlfriend after all." Monika said jokingly while she put a small kiss on my cheek.

Natsuki stomped on my foot under the table.

"Why am I always the one getting hurt?" I thought to myself.

"Haha I've never seen the leader of the NWG get all flustered." Drew said while laughing.

"NWG? What's that?" Natsuki said.

"It's a private organization... that I own." I said.

"Ooh so secretive." Natsuki said sarcastically.

"Speaking of the NWG, Khalil told me about what you did to Carlos. What did he say that pissed you off so much?" Drew said.

"Something that he shouldn't have." I said while cracking my knuckles.

"Haha he said that he said something about a girl with a red bow in her hair and you just snapped." Drew said.

I laughed nervously, as I didn't want the girls to know that. I really wish Drew would shut his mouth.

"W-what did you do to him?" Yuri said.

"Khalil just sent me a picture of Carlos. Holy shit dude you can see your insignia in his face!" Drew said while showing me his phone, which displayed a picture of Carlos.

"Spencer... what did he say that made you do such a thing." Monika said concerned.

"He said something about Sayori... and I just snapped I guess." I said embarrassed.

A sudden silence came over the table. I had to regrets on hitting Carlos though. He was an asshole and he deserved it.

Drew started a conversation about a movie he saw the other day and the girls got in on the conversation whenever they could.

I just remained silent, ashamed about what I did.

The bell rang and everyone got up to go throw their trays away. I stood behind Natsuki while we walked over to the garbage can.

While walking someone stuck their foot out in front of Natsuki, causing her to trip and fall. Natsuki fell to the ground and Yuri rushed to help her up. The person who tripped her, was Xander, the school bully.

His whole table began to laugh as Natsuki struggled to get up. There were tears starting to come out of her eyes.

I walked over to Xander and got in his face.

"Listen up mother fucker, you're going to apologize to her right now." I said in an angry voice.

"What are you gonna do you little faggot?" Xander said laughing.

"I'll show you what I'm gonna do." I said.

I punched Xander across the face. He knelt down holding onto his cheek that I punched. I grabbed him by his head and slammed his face on the table.

"That's what I'm gonna do." I said.

I guess I completely forgot that the girls were in the same room as me. They all looked at me with somewhat scared eyes.

"Holy shit dude." Drew said laughing.


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