Chapter Seven: Gaurdian Angel

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I ran over to Yuri to see that she was laying on her stomach in a pool of blood. I grabbed Yuri and put her face next to my ear. She was still breathing, but very slightly. She was still unconscious.

I went over to my desk and swiped my arm across it, pushing everything off the table. I lifted up Yuri and placed her on the table.

"God damnit... okay I can still save her... I can still do it." I said to myself. I don't know why, but I just needed to save her. There was something that was prying at me.

I pulled open Yuri's Blazer and lifted up her shirt.

"Holy shit, it's worse than I thought." I said to myself. There were 2 stab wounds in the stomach and one in the chest.

I crouched and grabbed a medical bag from under my bed. I opened it and pulled out a needle and stitch.

I applied pressure to her wounds and stitched her wound closed. I got the bleeding to stop. I bandaged up the wounds the best I could and wiped my head.

I put my head up to her chest. I heard a slight heartbeat. I fell to my knees and knelt my head down.

"Oh thank you God... thank you."

I took off Yuri's blood covered shirt and set her on my bed. She was still unconscious throughout the entire operation.

A certain sadness came over me and tears streamed down my face. I picked up her hand and put it next to my face. "I'm so sorry Yuri..." I said.

I soon had to go pick up Monika and Sayori. I drove to the mall and picked them up. They both had probably over 100 bags all together. That was the last thing on my mind though, as I was going to have to explain about Yuri. We began driving home.

I remembered how Yuri was the one to confess her love to me. She talked about how she loved me more than anything ever. I felt creeped out and loved at the same time. Then the memory came to me when I watched her stab he-

"Are you listening to me?!" Monika broke my train of thought.

"Oh um sorry, I've had a lot on my mind today." I said.

"You know you can tell me anything Spencer, I'll still always love you."

Monika leaned her head on my shoulder but it didn't really help my situation.

"What's wrong?" Sayori said from the back seat.

I rested my head on the steering wheel.

"Yuri is back..." I said in a soft voice.

"What? Really!" They both said in unison. They seemed excited.

"She wasn't in the condition I thought she would be in. When I found her she was..." I didn't finish that sentence. To be honest I didn't really want to talk about it.

Monika looked at me with a concerned look.

"What was wrong with her?" Monika said.

"She was bleeding heavily, I managed to stabilize her... but she has yet to wake up." I said.

Sayori just remained silent and leaned back in her seat.

The rest of the ride home was just silence. I noticed that Sayori was stressed out in the back seat, and Monika just stared out the window.

When we got home, it was just dead silent. I helped Sayori put her clothes away and made dinner for Monika and Sayori.

The moment came when I had to face the music. I took a deep breath before entering my room. Nothing really changed since I left. Nothing had moved, and Yuri was still unconscious on my bed.

I pulled up a chair next to side of the bed Yuri was sleeping on. I sat down and grabbed onto her hand.

I lost track of time and sat there for almost 2 hours. Every now and then Monika or Sayori would peek open the door to check up on me.

I just sat there staring at Yuri's sleeping face. I checked my watch to see that it was about 10:00 at night. I got up to go use the bathroom. On my way, I peeked my head into the guest room to see Monika and Sayori peacefully sleeping next to each other. I smiled to myself, as it seemed that their friendship has healed itself.

I returned to my room where Yuri was sleeping one more time before going to bed. I bent over and just glared at her.

"She looks so peaceful..." I thought to myself.

I bent down and kissed Yuri. "Maybe it's like a sleeping beauty thing?" I grabbed Yuri's hand one more time before I left to check her pulse, but her hand began to move.

Her eyes opened, and she looked directly at me.

"S-spencer?" She said in a weak voice.

"Yuri... oh my god you're..." I was overfilled with emotion that I didn't even finish my sentence.

Yuri reached her hand out to me and touched my face with the back of her hand.

"Y-you're really real. I've waited so long to touch you." Yuri said, barely getting a word out.

I grabbed Yuri's hand.

"You're in a safe place now Yuri, you don't need to worry about anything." I said.

"Did I die and this is my heaven?" She said.

"No Yuri, you're still alive, I got you out of that game. You're safe now." I said.

Yuri pulled me closer to her, and wrapped her arms around me.

"I-Ive waited so long... I'm so sorry for everything." She said.

I wrapped my arms around Yuri as well. "It's okay Yuri, just don't ever do anything like that again." I said.

I let go of Yuri, and her arms fell off of my back.

"You need rest Yuri, it's late... so please get some sleep." I said. I began walking towards the doorway but she called out to me.

"P-please don't leave me." She said.

"Yuri... I will never leave you again..." I said.

A guilt came over me, so I guess the least I could do was spend the night with Yuri, just in case she needed something.

I walked over to the bed and laid down next to Yuri.

"T-thank you so much..." She said.

I turned off the light and began to close my eyes. I felt something move next to me. Suddenly Yuri grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. She held me there for about 5 seconds and then let go.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean t-" Yuri began to talk but I cut her off.

"Don't apologize Yuri." I didn't want Yuri to feel awkward and embarrassed so I leaned in front of her and kissed her back. She didn't pull away though, instead she pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around me.

She let go of me and whispered in my ear. "I love you... so much..."

She then rested her head on my chest and fell asleep. I fell asleep soon after. "I love you too Yuri." I thought to myself.


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