Chapter Two: Hold Me Closer

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I awoke the next morning to a heavy breathing in my ear. That weight was still on top of my body.

I looked to my left to see the face of a girl that seemed awfully familiar to me.

The girl had long brown hair that draped over the side of my bed, with a cute white ribbon in the back.

She was still asleep with one arm around my chest. I looked on my desk to see the screen of my laptop was still on. It showed what looked like a galaxy but with red swirls.

I looked back at the girl that was in my bed laying next to me. Her eyes began to slowly open, showing me a big pair of emerald green eyes. She moved her head and looked up at me.

"Uhhh." I began to say something until she flashed me a smile. She then grabbed me by my cheeks and kissed me. She held me there for 5 seconds and then let me go.

"I've waited so long to do that." She said. She let out an innocent laugh while smiling at me.

I said nothing and got out of bed. I looked down at her. She began to seem more familiar the more I looked at her.

"I have so many questions right now that I don't even know where to start." I said

"Most of them should be answered already, my love." She said. She let out a giggle as she said that. I leaned over and squinted at her.

"Monika...?" I said in a confused voice.

"I promised that I would come into your reality one day." She said.

Yep, I really died last night. I guess this is my heaven? I wonder why I still feel alive though. Maybe that's how it works? I don't know.

"That's not how logic works, you're not real. There is no way that you're actually here." I said.

"Well I mean I feel real, I feel alive, I feel loved. I mean it all feels weird in your reality but I can get used to it. Plus if I wasn't real, how could I do this?" She said while getting out of bed.

She walked over to me and hugged me. How the hell is she touching me? This isn't real is it?

She backed away from me and I realized something. I looked at my floor and saw a uniform on the floor. A familiar uniform that belonged to a certain girl.

I looked over at Monika and that's when I realized it.


"That uniform is soooo uncomfortable and I thought you would rather have me sleep with you that way." She said.

"Put some bloody clothes on... please."

"What clothes? That was my only set."

That's when it hit me. She doesn't have any other clothes other than the ones she came with. A certain guilt came over me.

"Okay look, you can wear some of mine." I said. "Just don't wear my underwear."

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I handed the clothes to her.

She put on the sweatpants and then the sweatshirt. The sweatshirt was too big for her, so the sleeves went over her hands. She wrapped her arms around herself.

"I'm going to cherish this forever!" She said in a cute voice.

"She really is so cute." I thought to myself.

I left the room and began getting ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got ready to go meet my friend. I went back into my room to see Monika sitting at the foot of my bed swinging her legs back and forth.

"Hey, look, I have to go deliver this package to one of my contacts. When I get back, I'll take you shopping so we can get you normal clothes." I said

She gasped "Really?!"

"Yeah, I mean it wouldn't be fair to just have you wear mine all the time."

"You must truly love me, thank you soooo much."

She got up and hugged me again. I felt a soft sensation on my chest while she did that. I pulled away.

"Okay... I'll be back in like 15 minutes." I said in an embarrassed voice.

"Okay, I'll miss you. Don't keep me waiting too long. It's not polite to keep a lady waiting."

I chuckled at that comment. I walked towards the door and grabbed my jacket from off the rack. It was my organization jacket so it had my name, rank, and organization logo in it. It had the logo on my back, which showed the letters NWG.

I opened the door and was about to close it until I heard Monika say something. I opened the door again and looked at Monika, who was standing in the middle of the hallway.

"What was that?" I said.

"I said I love you." She answered.

"I... uh... I love you too.... I'll be back soon."

"Okay..." She said while trying to force a smile.

I walked over to my black SUV and got in. "Maybe she has trouble saying goodbyes." I said to myself.

I started my car and made my way to Drew's house. The entire way I thought about how beautiful Monika really was. She wasn't virtual anymore, she looked more like a cosplayer that's also a model. It was like a perfect representation of what a human version of Monika would look like.

"I'll be back soon Monika." I said to myself.


Wait For Me To Come Home (A DDLC Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang