Chapter Thirteen: Starving Part I

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Me and Sayori walked out into the kitchen to see Natsuki staring intently at the pizza boxes. I grabbed a couple slices and put them on a plate. I handed the plate to Natsuki.

"T-thank you." She said in a somewhat nice and somewhat mean voice.

"Don't mention it." I said while giving her an innocent smile. I think I was one of the only people that knew about Natsuki and her problems.

As a matter of fact I think I was her only real friend. She knows what Monika did to her, I think she remembers what Yuri said to her, and she never really got to know Sayori.

A guilt came over me and I really began to feel bad. Since my table only had 4 chairs, I let Natsuki sit in mine and I stood in the kitchen leaning against my counter.

I watched as Natsuki sat there not saying anything at all. She just wolfed down her food as if she hadn't eaten in days... I actually think that's a true observation.

I walked into my room and pulled out an envelope from my trench coat that was hanging on my wall.

"Carlos huh?" I said to myself. I started typing in the number and called it. A person picked up the phone but didn't say anything. I began to say the password.

"Time to play a game called identity theft." I said.

The person in the other end made a weird noise and began talking.

"Southern Rhode Island, 6 o'clock sharp, Wednesday, gas station called 'quick stop' if you're late, I leave." The man said.

He hung up the phone and I wrote down everything he said. My pen was still missing so I had to use an expo marker.

"I'm gonna have to meet him tomorrow..." I said to myself.

I decided that since I had some free time, I should check out that book again. I opened my desk drawer and my heart dropped.

"It''s gone!" I said to myself.

"What's gone?" A female voice said behind me.

I turned around to see Natsuki looking up at me.

"Oh... um nothing." I said.

I scanned her up and down to see her still in her school uniform...which was covered in vomit.

"Um do you need some new clothes?" I said.

"I'd like some right now..." She said in a sad voice.

I opened my dresser and pulled out yet another sweatshirt and some old pants.

I turned away while she changed. She was soon done and I turned back around. My sweatshirt was way too big for her so the neck of it revealed one of her shoulders. The sleeves were also too long so they went over her hands.

"Th-thanks." She said in an embarrassed voice.

"No problem... sorry that it's too big." I said.

"It's nothing, just don't think this means I like you now." She said in a tsundere voice.

She left the room and I threw her uniform down the laundry chute. I went back to panicking because the Portrait of Markov was missing.

"Ah shit ah shit ah shit." I chanted to myself. I eventually gave up on finding it and went back to my desk. I looked at my laptop. It was displaying black swirls and they eventually disappeared into the screen.

"Your job is done, you did me proud." I closed the laptop and set it to the side.

I walked back into the kitchen to see everyone finished eating. Me and Monika cleaned up the kitchen table and we ended up on the couch again.

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