Chapter Fifteen: Forgotten Notes

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"Why can't you sleep?" I said to Natsuki.

"I'm just not tired..." She said.

"Well you can hang out here with me if you'd like." I said while patting the couch mattress.

Natsuki laid down next to me. I got up and pulled a manga volume off of that shelf. It was the first one. I grabbed it and laid down next to Natsuki.

"Might as well read this right?" I said while laughing.

Natsuki flashed me her million dollar smile, showing me one of her cute fangs. I opened the first page and we began to read it. I think the manga was called KonoSuba or something.

Natsuki read with me and would laugh here and there. She got really close to my side, then was practically hugging my side. She soon began to doze off on my shoulder. I placed the book on the ground off of my bed. Natsuki woke up and looked at me.

"Hey can I ask you for something...?" She said.

"Oh uh... sure." I said.

"My dad would normally give me a kiss before I went to bed. I never really liked my dad... but that would still make me feel loved somewhat... and I was wondering if you could do that..." Natsuki said. On that last sentence her voice began to get softer.

"Um I mean I guess." I said dumbfounded.

"Don't think this means I like you! It's just the only way I can sleep." She said angrily.

"And also I-" Natsuki began talking, but I cut her off by grabbing her face and forcing her into a kiss.

She pulled away and looked embarrassed. She looked angry but then turned into a faint smile.

"Thank you... you big dummy." She said while punching me in the chest. It was a really soft thought, so I didn't really feel it.

She turned away from me and fell asleep next to me. I never said she could sleep out here... but I wasn't going to kick her out. Besides, she was so cute when she sleeps anyway. I laid down on my back and then fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning at 6:30 like always. I got ready and went downstairs. I looked at the scattered school uniforms in the laundry shoot. I pulled them out and threw them in the wash.

I went to school and got through all of my classes. Soon enough it was lunch time and I met my friend Drew at our usual table.

"Spence... dude." he said

"Yeah?" I said.

He opened his backpack and pulled out a file. He slid it across the table.

I opened it and it said "Bounty: $5,000,000 for the leader of the NWG."

"Heh heh looks like they went all in." I said in a jokingly voice.

"Yeah dude, you think it was Michael?" Drew said.

"Possibly, I have my doubts though because they used my codename instead of my first name." I said while pointing at the information.

"Also I'm 5'5 not 5'3, that would make me as tall as Monika." I said while laughing

"Monika?" Drew said. "The hell is Monika?"

"Uhhhhhh just some girl I met over a glass of Scotch." I said.

"Riiiight." Drew said laughing.

Soon the bell rang and I got through the rest of my classes. The day was long and boring like an Amy Schumer comedy.

I walked up to my door and opened slowly. Luckily this time there was no smoke pouring out... not this time at least.

I walked in and to my surprise the girls were nowhere to be found.

"Monika? Yuri? Natsuki? Sayori?" I called out. There was nothing but silence.

I began to get worried as none of them were in the guest room, my room, the kitchen, or the living room.

I looked outside my back window to see the four girls playing tennis. I walked down to my backyard and walked over to them.

"Whoever scores this one wins his love forever!" Monika yelled out. Yuri and Natsuki were on one team and Sayori and Monika were on the other.

Monika served the ball and hit it as hard as she could to try and score a point. Yuri was swift enough to hit the ball back on to Monika's side.

Unfortunately Sayori wasn't paying attention and the ball caught her off guard. She hit it the wrong way and the ball rolled over to my feet. That's when all of the girls noticed I was standing there.

They all ran over to me and hugged me.

"We missed you!" They all said.

"I've missed you too." I said while having trouble breathing. They were hugging me too tight again.

"Anyway are you guys ready to go to the beach?" I said.

"Yes!" They said in unison.

We all got into my car and I drove to the nearest train station. If I were to drive it would take all day so we were going to take a bullet train.

We all boarded the train and it made it's way straight to Rhode Island. Monika and Sayori sat on a bench across from me. Yuri was sitting next to me but she was reading that book from before. I knelt down to try and see the cover.

"Ah fuck... that's fifty shades of grey." I said to myself.

Natsuki on the other hand, was sitting to my right. I saw her reach into her book bag that her bikini was in. She pulled out the volume of the manga me and her were reading.

"I thought that me and you might as well finish this on the ride there." She said.

"Sure." I said.

We made it halfway through last night and we finished our volume on the ride there. About 3 quarters through Natsuki fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Long day for her I guess." I said to myself.



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