Chapter Nineteen: The Life Within Us

Start from the beginning

"Hey Alex, could you do me a huge solid?" I said.

"Yeah man anything!"

"You think that you could enroll 4 girls into my school with good grades as if they were in class the entire time?" I said.

"Yeah man just gimme their info." he said.

I ended up talking to Alex for about an hour. I tried to make our conversation short because Alex talked WAY. TOO. MUCH.

Everything should be set up for tomorrow now. I had Alex put the girls in the same classes as me, that way I could keep a close eye on them.

I went back to bed, right next to Sayori and closed my eyes. Sayori rolled over and wrapped her arm over my chest.

I fell asleep and waited until it was time for me to wake up. After a night like this, I really needed some beauty sleep.

I woke up the next morning to my phone going off. It literally felt like I closed my eyes for 5 seconds.

"Damn it." I said to myself. I got up out of bed and shook Sayori.

"Sayori wake up." I said.

Surprisingly, she rolled over and looked at me happily.

"That was the best I've ever slept... ever." she said.

I rustled Sayori's hair and she began to giggle. I walked down the hallway to see Natsuki asleep finally.

"Natsuki wake up." I said. She slowly began to open her eyes and looked at me.

"Ugh... morning already?" she said.

I chuckled and played with Natsuki's short hair.

"Heh yeah... good to see you're still wearing my jacket." I said while laughing. Natsuki drove her fist into my side but I didn't really feel it.

She sluggishly got out of bed and began gathering her clothes.

I walked into my room and woke up Monika and Yuri.

"Come on you two yanderes let's go!" I said.

Luckily they didn't hear what I said... luckily.

Eventually all of the girls got ready for school and I started to make breakfast for them.

I made some pancakes for breakfast, as that was one of the very few things I knew how to make.

Sayori just started shoveling the pancakes in her mouth, which she soaked in syrup.

"I don't see how she can eat all that and never gain an ounce." I said.

Sayori just laughed at me.

"I hash very gwood matabilshm." she said with a mouth full of pancakes.

I think she was trying to say "I have very good metabolism."

We finished breakfast and made our way to my school.

"You guys have the same classes as me so just follow where I go." I said while driving. The girls all looked amazed at the amount of people that went to my school.

"Oh no! We didn't wear our uniforms!" Monika said.

"This school doesn't require uniforms... you just can wear whatever." I said.

Sayori was in the front seat and looked at all the school buildings. She looked over at my hands that were on the steering wheel.

"What's with those rings." She asked.

"Oh um... well the two are for my insignia." I said while showing Sayori my right hand.

"What about that one on your left hand." Monika said while pointing at my left hand ring finger.

"That's uh... heh... oh so class is about to start so let's get going." I said while getting out of the car.

I avoided that question because the reason that I was wearing that ring was embarrassing. It was a promise ring.

We made our way to my first class which was English. We were learning about Shakespeare and other random literature figures.

All of the girls in my class were talking to Monika and she socialized with all of them.

Sayori stayed at my side and copied all of my notes. Natsuki just sat in the back of the class reading a book that had a manga tucked inside of it.

And poor Yuri was on the other side of the class. It looks almost as if she was about to pass out.

I walked over to her and sat next to her.

"Hey are you okay?" I said.

"Yeah it's just... there's so many people here. It's like they're all judging me." she said.

"Well yeah... it's a public school so everyone is an asshole." I said while laughing.

I grabbed Yuri's hand.

"Trust me, everything will be okay. Also I got you a book." I said.

I handed Yuri a book about some vampires and some romance stuff.

"Oh... thank you so much!" she said while giving me a hug.

A smile went across my face.

Soon enough it was time to go to my next class. Hopefully Yuri keeps it together until the end of the day.


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