Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day seemed to drag by as Pineheart waited to go with Cairn to the Heart of the Sky. Brokensong has been delighted when they had asked her that previous night. She would never turn down an experience such as this.

As the sun was starting to set behind the tall stone walls of the dock buildings, Pineheart watched Cairn step from the depths of his den. Brokensong was laying only a few foxlengths away, her paws tucked beneath her chest.

As he padded out, she stood to greet him. "Thank you for allowing me to join you. Maybe I can gain some new knowledge from your ancestors," she purred as she dipped her head.

"It is no problem at all," he assured her, "I'm sure our ancestors will be eager to share with you."

Blue bounced up, his forepaw still wrapped in cobwebs. "Am I coming to?" He asked excitedly.

"No, you're going to help Sun'ka keep watch over the camp," Cairn replied. Blue's whiskers instantly drooped.

"You should be resting your paw anyways," Brokensong mewed as she turned to the young silver tom. "You remember what I told you to put on it, right?"

"Yeah, goldenrod and oak leaves," he purred.

"Good." she grunted, "make sure to give Falcon those juniper berries if he is still complaining of his belly ache later."

Blue nodded, turning and speeding off towards the small den Brokensong had claimed as her own. "We should be heading out now," Cairn mewed as Pineheart finally stood and padded over.

All three of them turned and started to pad towards the alley out of camp. Pineheart glanced back towards the dens one last time, noticing that almost all of the other cats had already turned in for the night.

My night is only just beginning, he thought excitedly.

The small group entered the passageway, trotting quickly down its length until they came back out to the open. Pineheart relished the tang of the salty sea water on his muzzle. Cairn stopped for a moment, casting his gaze across the heaving waves.

"It's such a clear night. Perfect for sharing dreams with our ancestors," he commented. Pineheart silently agreed. The sky was already turning dark, with tiny speckles of light splashed across the horizon. An enormous full moon hung precariously in the sky above.

After several more heartbeats, Cairn turned and started to lead them along the dock. There were no dockworkers in sight. The usually bustling area practically deserted.

Eventually, another alley came into view. Nestled between two massive buildings, the pitch black opening was quite inconspicuous.

"This is the tunnel to the Den of the Sky. You should stay close behind me," Cairn warned before stepping into the shadows.

Brokensong didn't hesitate as she faded into the darkness behind him. Pineheart's black pelt stood on end as he stared into the alley. He could hear whispers, urging him onward into the dark.

He could hear Cairn's voice ahead, "we will be there shortly. Just stay close behind me."

His voice sounded so far away. In a panic, Pineheart started to run after the lingering scents of Cairn and Brokensong. Thankfully, he slowed before he crashed into the medicine cat's haunches.

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