Chapter 5: Vampire District

Start from the beginning

'You shouldn't be here - go home before you're caught.' His voice once again sounded pained and flash backs from when I first arrived to the District filled my head: of Niro chained to a table, mercilessly being feed on by my father. I hated to admit that we were related but at the same time I was also glad. Because he was my father I was able to take the name of Sayrin and bring the Demon District into a new era. We no longer held the Specials as slaves and nor would we under my rule. They were people just like me or Pyro and I saw no reason why their freedom should be taken because their home was... 

               I flattened against the side of the roof. The "sun" had set and the moon was beginning to rise. I took shelter on a roof of one of the houses skirting the District, hoping to find some information and not get caught in the mean time. The wind was calm and there were no clouds in the sky, not even the weird black filming from earlier. I dug my booted foot into the roofing to avoid falling which was one of the last things I wanted to do at the moment. Wind blew harshly, bringing with it the scent of the Demon District. I never thought I would come to be home sick for that place but I was. Chains rattled and whips cracked below, alerting my attention. Entering the District was a group clad in black caring old fashioned lanterns filled with Kerosene for light. There was about thirty men total, each one in charge of four to five children ranging from five to what looked like a young adult. They were undoubtedly Specials and the men were Vampires. Their clothes gave them away and I suddenly felt sick for what I was wearing. Some fought against their captors only to get hit by a random object, some were knocked out and others were forced to carry them in the end. The youngest was a boy was about five. I recognized him. He had scruffy black hair and large, emotional eyes. I hand placed him in a home where I knew he would be treated well and now here he was with his face drenched with a mixture of tears and sweat. Others attempted to comfort him to no avail or wee swatted away. 

"You can't do this to us again!" One of the teens yelled, rage evident in his voice. He was older than me when he was changed and the thought of all these people staying the same age that they are now forever was a bit haunting. 

"Shut-up you fucken brat!" One of the Vampires yelled back, raising a shredded whip. He didn't even flinch as it came down - hard - against his side. As if that was the last straw, the Specials began an uproar: pulling on the chains that had them bound and screaming in a vulgar language. More whips cracked as the Vampires began to yell for backup. All at once, half of the city was at the border, pulling the chains and separating the Specials. Once divided, everything began to calm and those who didn't were beaten into their submission. The little boy was paired with the boy who had started the uproar and I was a bit relieved. I knew he would be kept safe until I could help them but knowing the conditions they were in in the mean time would kill me. 

               I hopped from roof to roof, following the group to find where they were keeping the Specials while they were here. I stayed close to the roof in an effort to stay hidden. They slunk through the streets covertly, the Specials now following obediently in fear of more brutal abuse. They seemed to know where they were going and barely needed direction. I wanted to help them, I wanted to jump down there right now and free them from the chains but I even knew better than that. To do that would be certain death and I knew it. 'Niro, are you okay?' I attempted to reach out for him but I got nothing. The space in my mind that was normally filled with his presence was empty and hallow in a way. I felt totally alone. I knew coming here was going to be hard but I didn't know how hard. I didn't think I would actually see Specials being forced into the city or Niro putting himself at risk for a child. 'Niro?'I jumped from the roof top and slid down the side of a broken down building, the rocks and brick crumbling under my feet. Thankfully no one paid much attention. The Specials had come to a stop in front of an old building in the I industrial area of the Vampire Districts. Most of them were crying, save for the few that refused to show their fear. One of the vampires slid open the heavy door and ushered them inside. Chains rattled from within and I had to know how many of the Specials were lodged here - since Niro had been taken back by who I'm guessing was his previous owner, how many more were reclaimed?  

               I waited until all the Specials and the guards were back inside before climbing the side of the building. MY fingernails dug into the old rock, clipping and breaking in certain areas. By time I reached the roof my fingertips were all bloodied and pained. I wasn't sure what I had expected to find once I got up here but a giant window that covered about seventy percent of the area did work in my favor. I carefully walked over to it, mentally preparing myself for the worst but hoping for the best. I took a deep breath and peered over the edge, my heart seeming to drop into my stomach. There were more Specials than originally perceived missing and they were all here - at least most of them were. There was chained to machines with a weird form of metal that glowed with an ethereal hue and laboring endlessly. Some were working making blades while others worked on larger machines that I couldn't place...the whole thing was a preparation for war and I swallowed hard. I knew they were preparing but seeing it with my own eyes was worse, must worse. I quickly stepped back, tripping over a loose rock in my rush. I fumbled to the ground and winced as my head hit the raised lining of the building. I could feel blood trickling down the side of my face and I quickly wiped it away, not allowed myself to be bothered with it yet. I had to get back to the Demon District and I had to report everything to Jay as well...nothing was going to come between me and those I loved - not even a war of greedy Vampires.

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