7. Look Who It Is

Start from the beginning

Athena cleared her throat. "Well, carry on, everyone. I will see you all soon." With that, she vanished with a cloud of smoke in her spot. You get used to it after a while.

Perri shrugged. "I mean I heard a few things. But I didn't really need anyone to tell me that you are certified badass."

I mean hey, he's not wrong.

"What can I say? I can't help it."

"Yeah, careful, she'll go around blinding people." Nikki called out.

"Shut up." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Well, I look forward to working with you, Arden." Perri pretend bowed and turned to Zane. "You ready?"

Zane nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where you guys going?" Ali asked.

"We gotta take care of some business. Catch up with you guys later." He told us.

Perri also said goodbye as they both disappeared deeper into the training corridors.

Nikki and Ali turned to me after they were gone. "So, Arden, what do you want to do now?"


I sat in the chair staring at the map intently. I was listening to what Zane and Perri were conversing about.

"In the Gulf, that's where she lies or Under the water of the caribbean islands. You can never know for sure where she dwells, but her current visits to the coast points are becoming more effective."

"There's something going on with the wind." I concluded lowly. "Coasts points and the wind gods carry the movement of the weather and earth. Not greatly, but effective nevertheless."

Perri nodded. "She doesn't belong there." Perri added. "I could feel her. She's moving, slowly but surely. She's destroying everything in her path."

"We'll get her out." Zane stated. "But, we don't bring any outliers into this. We need to be dealing with the right people."

"I agree." I looked at Zane.

After a moment of agreeing with one another Perri spoke again. "Okay, we take this to the gods?"

Zane hesitated for a while. "Yes. But we go with their input."

Their input...

Zane looked at me and held a certain emotion in his eyes.

It's like he knew what I was thinking before I even thought it. How the hell does he do that?

His look told me to stop...don't even think about it.

Perri had been at the Training Center for three days. Athena said that he was to be here for something to happen in the future.

Things have been...unusual around here. Not just in the Training Center, but I feel like something around me is....out of line.

Not right.

I could feel it. Zane has been acting weird too. I'm not sure what is going on, but i've been uneasy. He's tried to...have a conversation with me twice already. By conversation, I mean a serious talk about some unknown topic.

But, I'm pretty sure I knew what the topic was about, and as I said before, I needed to stay away from that.

I'm not sure why he keeps trying to bring up 'Us'. I'm pretty sure he knows where I stand when it come down to me and him.

I'm focused on everything around me, but at the same time I feel like I'm distracted.

Perri, Zane and I work well together. I feel our powers and our strength link together in a functional way.

Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumWhere stories live. Discover now