"How?" He murmured, his brows drawing down in a frown. "It doesn't make sense."

"I told you," I panted, keeping my eyes glued to his finger on the trigger, "You underestimate me." 

His lips pursed and his brows drew down, his annoyance at my sass obvious. "How many?"

"What?" My brain was moving slower than normal and I couldn't fathom his question. "How many what?"

"How many of them did you kill?" His normally emotionless voice cracked at the end of his question and his hand holding the gun trembled. 

I swallowed thickly, shuffling my feet backwards by an inch as I watched the shake in his hand worsen. "None." 

"Don't lie!" He snarled, striding forwards two steps. "How many?" 

"None!" I shrieked, staggering away from his sudden anger and the night exploded with the sound of a gunshot. 

My arm stung.

"I told you not to move." He hissed through clenched teeth as I glanced down to see blood darkening the fabric of North's shirt sleeve where the bullet had grazed me. He'd shot me!

I raised my eyes from the burning pain in my bicep only to notice I wasn't in the maze anymore. In my attempt to create distance from Kota's fury, I'd crossed the threshold of the labyrinth and my sneakered feet now rested on grass. I'd made it out of the maze without anyone drawing blood first. I'd done it...and yet Kota had still shot me.

My vision blurred red as I narrowed my spiteful glare in his direction and I saw something akin to concern flit across his face quickly before it was doused by his ever present coolness. "You shot me, you son of a bitch!" I seethed, my fist closing around the straight razor that I didn't remember retrieving. "You shot me!"

"I win." He quipped, his mouth lifting in the corners with a smug smirk that made my blood boil and that was the moment that I officially decided to gut him like a fish. 

"Take a look around, Dakota!" I spat his name like an insult. "I'm not in the maze." The gun lowered to his side as his eyes moved away from mine, taking in our surroundings like he'd completely forgotten where we were. "I win, you lose. Game over!"

His jaw clenched, the gears in his brain churning, churning, churning as he searched for something to say. "First blood." His whisper barely reached my ears and I growled, letting my monster flood my system. 

"I crossed over first." I stated adamantly but he merely cocked an eyebrow.

"My word against yours." He tilted his head, surveying me for a moment before tapping his chin thoughtfully. "I wonder who they'll believe?"

His dry sarcasm wasn't lost on me and I bared my teeth at the threat. "That's cheating!" 

"That's kind of the point." He grinned at me, though it was cold and mocking, and I lost it.

I palmed my razor, Kota meeting my eyes a moment before I moved but he was too slow to understand what I was doing until it was too late. Pulling my arm back, I used all the strength I had left in my body to chuck the razor at him as hard as I physically could and I watched on in glee as it flew. My razor soared through the air, turning end over end until it sank into the front of his shoulder with a heavy thwack, and he stumbled back a few steps from the shock and pressure of the hit. He stared down in mystification at my knife handle jutting out of his body, his eyes wide and his lips parted, and I smiled in gratification. Ha! Suck on that, Dr. Frankenstein!

"Oops." I quipped, a sardonic smile twisting over my face as Kota raised his head to look at me and his normally emotionless expression filled with pain and an anger that had me doubting the intelligence of my actions.

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