Chapter 18-

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It was math time.

Sophie was sorry to say that she didn't care too much about it. It was just another subject—she could do everything that was advanced by learning it once, then remember how to do it from there with her photographic memory.

Instead, she was spending class time the way any normal girl would. She was texting her best friend about a boy. So far, she'd confessed everything that went on last night, besides the transmitting thing/mind reading thing, of course. She'd passed that off as them in a call.

Maya was pretty neutral on the subject of her best friend dating Keefe Sencen. She wasn't exactly fond of it; it was Keefe Sencen, after all. But she wasn't against it either. She trusted Sophie's judgement on the topic, something that Sophie appreciated.


The bell rang, causing the teacher to let out a groan in the middle of the math lesson, calling out, "Class dismissed."

Sophie hurriedly stuffed her phone/imparter into her pocket, gathering all of her things and waiting for Maya to do the same.

It only took her friend about thirty seconds, and then they were out of there. No more math class, thank goodness. Oh, and Keefe Sencen.

"Not so fast!" As soon as Sophie was out of math class, an arm launched out to wrap around her waist, drawing her against a boy's body.

She'd spoken too soon.

"Keefe, hi," she greeted him weakly, darting Maya a look.

Her friend took the hint. "Well," Maya said, checking the time so she appeared 'late' even though it was both her and Sophie's free period. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got some boys' butts to kick. See you around, best friend." Maya shot her one last glance that clearly said, 'You tell me everything later or else,' before there was only dust in her wake.

"That was convenient," Keefe said with a smirk, making Sophie crane her neck to look up at him. But he pushed her head back down, setting his chin down lightly on it. "Your friend is pretty melodramatic."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Like you're not." She was almost positive that you were supposed to defend your best friends against boys at all times.

"Aww, Foster, you can't mean that," his voice hovered near her ear, causing a shudder to go up her spine.

She visibly gulped, trying not to show how affected she was by him, but judging from the smirk he was showcasing, it might be too late. "Well, I do." Her voice came out breathless, not at all as confident as she'd been envisioning. But then, she was also with her back pressed against his chest, so it wasn't like she could do much to control the situation. Also known as—Sophie Foster being incapable of freeing herself from the arms that were only lightly embracing her.

Keefe's arms instantly unlaced from her waist, lifting her backpack off of her shoulders and dropping it beside them.

The noise made an echoing sound down the empty hall that gave Sophie the heebie jeebies.

He cupped her cheek with one hand, using the other to flip them so that she was up on the lockers. "Don't do that, Foster," he warned.

Sophie's breathing rate hitched every time he moved, her brain somehow short-circuiting. "Do what?" She couldn't help but lean into his hand on her cheek, absorbing the warmth as she gazed up at him with round eyes. Her voice came out more embarrassingly breathless than before, but she was too far gone to care.

Keefe let out a soft groan at her words. "Your reacting to me is driving me nuts." He'd leaned in closer, so that her shallow breaths mingled with his warm ones.

Her knees went weak and wobbly, and she suddenly had to use all of her willpower to stay standing, pressing herself into his hand in a desperate attempt to keep herself from swooning like one of those silly girls in the movies.

Jeez, what was wrong with her?

"I can't help myself," she justified herself, feeling incredibly defensive at the front she was putting up.

He could scoop her up right now, go take her to some jail cell, and she wouldn't be able to do a thing about it—her entire body was currently quite dysfunctional.

Keefe gave her a lazy grin, his hand on her hip tightening, then wrenching her closer to him swiftly. "Foster, what are you doing to me?" The words were hardly out of his mouth before his mouth met hers, claiming it as his own the minute the two touched.

Sophie went limp entirely in his arms; the only thing she was focused on being the kiss they were sharing.

It was gentle and cautious, as though he were afraid to mess up.

Now that she thought about it, he'd given her every chance to back out before it, pretty much. Right up until he'd cornered her by the lockers.

Keefe was the only thing holding her up right now.


Author's Note -


*fangirls insanely*

Sorry this chapter was posted late, something came up.

Love you and all of your support!


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