Chapter 1-

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Chapter 1-

Sophie took a deep breath. Plucked an eyelash nervously.

You know the drill, let's do this.

She shouldered her backpack, gathering the little courage she possessed before entering.

New school, new you, she tells herself. None of them know my history, or anything about me really.

She walked into the office with a fake smile. Seeing the office lady, she smiles. "Hi, I'm Sophie Foster—a new student at this school. This is where I get my schedule, right?" She wanted to make a good first impression.

The lady's grim face broke into a grin. "Sophie Foster! That's right! Here, darling," she said, shoving a schedule at Sophie. "This one's yours."

She seemed nice. Sophie smiled. "Thank you...Ms..."

"Larson," the lady supplied. "You have math, first, right?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Down this hall, first one on the left, dear."

"Thanks, Ms. Larson," she said with a grin. "I hope you have a good day!"

"You too, sweetheart," Ms. Larson said. "You too!"

That was definitely someone she was going to love, she decided happily. Her day couldn't have possibly started out better. Sophie skipped down the hall, not hididng the bounce her step.

So far, all of the students here looked like quiet nerds, except those few 'popular' and 'sporty' people. A regular high school.

Sophie smiles, stopping outside the door that she was directed to.

Birch, she knew. When she was younger, with no friends, she'd read a book on trees and wood once. The door appeared closed, which was a bit of a relief. No one could see the deep breaths she took except the kids in the hallway passing by. No embarrassment. None, she promised herself. First day, and she was determined not to mess up everyone's first impressions of her.

Her fingers snatched an eyelash, it was loose. She pulled it out—her nervous habit emerging once again. She sucked in one last breath as she saw the eyelash flutter to the floor.

This was it.

Sophie stepped forward, her warm hand embracing the cold, metal doorknob. It shined her reflection back at her: a blonde girl with a face set with determination, confidence oozing from her skin.

That wasn't how she felt at all, but she guessed it would make a good impression on her peers.

Twisting the doorknob, she let it unlatch, slipping past the frame of the door. Sophie smiled; a teacher was on the other side of the doorframe, gesturing her inside with a warm grin. She stepped forward willingly, focusing on the teacher only. Sophie couldn't afford to look at the other students. She would get even more nervous, and she couldn't have that happen; she was barely able to restrain her hand currently from tearing out a loose eyelash on her left eyelid.

Hundreds of eyes must be on her, but overall, one sound filled the room: a sharp intake of breath from someone.

"Welcome!" The teacher beamed. "You must be Sophie!"

"Sophie Foster," she agreed, dipping her head out of politeness. She was going to make a good first impression. "It's...nice to meet you."

"Ms. Moore," the teacher said, taking her hand and shaking it up and down. "Welcome to Math!"

Sophie flashed a smile. She was flattered, really. Normally, teachers weren't so perky. She was really glad that she'd chosen this school, from all of the offerings.

"In fact," Ms. Moore proclaimed, "let's get to know you. Could you tell us two things about you besides your name?"

Her smile vanished. She knew it was too good to be true. Now she turned away from the teacher, her hand nabbing an eyelash along the way. "Hi...I'm Sophie Foster, I'm...sixteen." She knew that this was a high school, so she might as well act the part. "I have a cat named Marty, and I want to be a Councillor when I grow up." Inside joke, right? Might as well throw it in.

A snort sounded towards the back of the room.

Sophie paid it no attention. Probably just some mean kid. "Where should I sit?"

"Oh, um," Ms. Moore looked apologetic. "Sorry, or only seat is beside...him." Her finger pointed to a kid in the back, and Sophie turned to take a look at him.


Author's Note-

So, suspense, guys. Will it be Keefe? Will it not be Keefe? (Just gonna give you the answer by saying that you know who it's gonna be.)

If its Keefe, how do you think that she'll react?



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