Chapter 2-

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Dedicated to @Vivaldi26 for being so encouraging.

Chapter 2-

No. Way. Not possible. Nope, no. It couldn't be.

Sophie froze when she saw the face. Her smile vanishing as fast as possible. The face—the one that she'd known like the back of her hand until it'd been ripped from her life. She couldn't breathe. Her pulse pounded in her ears, the only thing she could hear. This wasn't all a dream. It wasn't something that she could let go of easily.

That smirk. Those ice-blue eyes. That... (insert your choice of bad word here.)

Keefe. Keefe was here. He held her gaze gently, as though nothing had happened—they'd never had a relationship. Then he noticed her reaction. "Foster, you okay?" His concern was very touching—not.

The entire class was watching her.

Sophie was trembling. No, no, no. This couldn't be happening. Yet, she knew it was reality.

Her boyfriend—no, he would probably be referred to as an ex—was right in front of her, the same smirk.

Ms. Moore smiled at her, confused. "Sophie?"

The room was spinning. "I-I need to leave." She couldn't stay in here, there was no way. She turned, and walked out of the classroom.

Sophie had no idea where anything in the school was, yet she managed to find the nearest secluded place and put herself there—the girl's restroom.

And that was where she broke. Tears, no, not sad tears—angry tears, panicked tears spilled from her eyes as she trembled in front of the mirror in the bathroom stall.

God, she looked like a mess. Her hair had tangled messily, her eyes the reddest she'd ever seen in her life, which was saying something. Her t-shirt was soaked with tears and snot, something that she didn't have a replacement for.

A creaking sound found its way to Sophie's ears. The door opening.

Out of instinct, she turned invisible. Not that she really needed to. She was in the last stall. Something that she'd gotten good at after Keefe's leaving. She'd hidden from everyone but Sandor every day, needing solitude.

Keefe was the one thing that had actually broken her, and she'd closed everyone off. Grady, Edaline, Biana, Linh, Tam, Fitz. But the worst of all was Dex. She knew that she'd hurt every one of them with each day spent ignoring them. She'd had too much pain in her life; this was the breaking point.


Something about the voice seemed to beckon her, and Sophie turned visible again.

A girl her age peeked into the stall. Her hair was black, normal blue eyes betraying that she was human. Round glasses rested on her nose, reminding Sophie of Harry Potter. "It is Sophie, right?"

Unable to find her voice, Sophie only nodded.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head no.

The girl walked up to her, embracing her in a hug. This girl that she barely knew was hugging her. Bold.

But Sophie hugged her back, sobbing into the girl's shoulder. It was so nice to actually be able to do this. Or rather, let herself do this.

After that day at Havenfield, she'd sworn to herself that she would never cry in front of another elf. Never again.

"I'm Maya," the girl introduced herself. "I was in the class you just escaped from."

"Sophie," she responded, "but it's not like you actually need me to tell you that."

"Yeah," Maya laughed. "You looked like you needed a friend."

"Thank you." Sophie took another eyelash from her eyelid. "It means a lot that you would come here just for me."

"Not a problem," she said with a grin. "I can appreciate any girl that has something against Keefe Sencen." Then her expression turned serious. "As long as you aren't one of his hoes. You aren't, right?"

"Not one of his hoes," Sophie agreed, not sure if it was true. "He...before he came to this school, we were dating, and he just left. Like, moved halfway across the country without telling his girlfriend. Just brought back some really bad memories and was a shock to my system." She laughed. "A girlfriend. Sounds like he's got enough girls here without me."

"No kidding," Maya said. She gave Sophie an incredulous look. "You were his girlfriend? Didn't know he had those." She studied her. "But you are really pretty, though not his type."

"His type?"

"Black-haired babes that throw themselves at him," she clarified.

Black hair? Was this girl serious? That was pretty much the opposite of who she was. Ha! Like she'd ever throw herself at him!

"I wasn't aware that he had a type," Sophie mumbled. "But, then, there's that I haven't seen him in six years."


Author's Note-

How do you guys like this one? Do you think Keefe should get back together with Sophie? Do you think that Sophie should eventually head back to the elvin world, or no?

I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to

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I hope you all are looking forward to the next chapter, which will be posted in a few days.

Owl~ xx

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