Chapter 5 -

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Sophie woke with a stretch, remembering yesterday's events with a frown. Climbing out of her comfortable bed, she changed out of her pajamas, sliding into jeans.

It was nice to wear jeans again, with a regular shirt. Elven clothing was so...high class and frilly. Ugh. She could totally appreciate the simplicity of just a normal outfit. Or what she considered one, anyway.

After giving herself a once-over in the full-body mirror, she made her way downstairs, greeting Mr. Forkle.

He'd agreed to be her guardian when she moved back to the Forbidden Cities and now they were settled in Vermont—the most discreet place in the nation, in her opinion. With Sophie's fire sensitivity after everblaze and her burns, the snow was definitely appreciated. The cold atmosphere was also an advantage because it made it so that her already red cheeks concealed any blushing.

Pancakes sat on the table, and Sophie glanced at her guardian questioningly. "You made these?"

His nose wrinkled. "Yes, though human ingredients are very hard to figure out."

She laughed bitterly, sitting down and sinking her teeth into the soft substance, relishing the flavor. She hadn't had pancakes in forever, and this was highly appreciated. It seemed since forever since the council had given her special permission to go back to the Forbidden Cities. Woodstock, Vermont was a nice place.

"Thank you," Sophie said to him, giving him a smile.

She glanced at the syrup on the table, unsure of whether to use it. When she was little, she'd always preferred pancakes without syrup, but now she thought about it. Did Elvin taste buds change? She turned towards Mr. Forkle to ask him the question, but he answered it before she could ask.

"Elvin taste buds don't change, Sophie," he assured her.

"Oh," she squeaked. "Did you—"

"Yes," Mr. Forkle confirmed. "I was curious as to whether you were doing alright at your new school. Most curious. Unfortunately, I caught a different question instead."

"Things are...interesting at school," she replied. "Could you please get out of my head?"

"If you tell me," he said pointedly. "I was sent here to monitor you."

Sophie groaned. "You might as well just read my thoughts then, because that won't be happening any time soon." Her cheeks flushed at the thought and she pushed her pancakes away, her appetite gone.

Mr. Forkle's eyes widened, and his brows pressed together, showing that he was concentrating. Then he stiffened, telling her that he'd found the piece of information that she'd rather have kept to herself. "Mr. Sencen" His voice echoed around the house quietly.

Sophie slumped. "Yeah. If you're in my head, you might as well see how I you know how incredibly hard it was not to inflict on him?"

"I would imagine that pent-up emotion would try to escape," he agreed.

Sophie's hand automatically went to the spot right under her ribs, where she pressed onto the tense spot in her stomach. "Yep."

He checked his watch. "Time to go." He reluctantly got up, marching towards the garage.

Sophie only nodded, double-checking that her homework was in her backpack before following. She traipsed to the car, which was a gleaming white FIAT Sport. It had modifications, though. It had built-in camouflage in case of emergency, which wasn't activated. It had seats that ejected you if needed with a parachute, and was self-driving, which meant that her guardian could go ahead and sit back in the driver's seat. Instead of keys, it was fingerprint activated. Only Elvin prints would start up the car.

Sophie wished that it had wings or something else, but the Council had only supplied them with so much. She was already in a tight spot by pushing them to let her move here. It was too much to ask for much more.

She climbed into the passenger seat, watching with satisfaction as the seatbelt clipped across her automatically.

Mr. Forkle got in the car beside her, looking nervous, as usual. He hated cars, for reasons Sophie couldn't understand. After his seatbelt was on, he put his hands on the wheel, making the car light up as it hummed to life.

The garage door opened, allowing the car to shoot from the house.

Another thing that the car had was an instant modifications turn-off feature as soon as it sensed a human touching the door handle or sitting on a seat. Handy.

Sophie cautiously let down the window, feeling a bit of a thrill rush through her. The air whooshed past and she stuck her hand out into it, numbing her hand in the process. It helped her feel free, and she concentrated. The trick she'd been trying to perfect since yesterday was meant to help keep her concentration at such prominent levels. She couldn't afford to lose any of the talent she'd discovered in the Lost Cities. Her hand stopped wobbling, the air suddenly rushing around her hand. With her enhanced concentration, she had managed to use her mental force to create a small field around her hand.

"You're doing it," Mr. Forkle exclaimed from beside her, his nervous state forgotten. "You're doing it!" His eyes were widened and awe-filled.

Sophie blushed, smiling. "It's thanks to you." She waved her hand, not moving from the field. The effect was invisible, meaning that no human could tell what she was doing. But then her concentration broke. Her hand turned sideways to become aerodynamic out of instinct, and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Do we tell the Council?"



Author's Note-

I have a question for you all. Which ship name is more popular? Which one do you like better?

1) Sokeefe

2) Keefoster 

I want you all to vote by commenting +1 by the  comment thingy---->

I will post the results of this next time.

Also, if you liked this story, I'd appreciated if you would check out my idea polling story. It's just a quick little thing for you to read through. It's for me to test how many would people read my works if I actually wrote that one story.

Another thing that would be great for you to check out would be my favorite original story (also, my only original). It's great for laughs. I'd love to know that I'd brightened your day with my writing. It's been my favorite to write, and it rocks, in my opinion. 

Thanks again for reading,


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