Chapter 4-

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Sophie turned her back on him, practically using all over her willpower not to strangle him—inflict on him. He deserved it, he did. The nerve of that boy!

Instead, she scowled at the crowd.

Feeling a smirk of satisfaction growing on her face, she admired her wonderful workmanship. Keefe was on the hard tile floor, groaning and gripping his groin. His face had turned beet red—from embarrassment or the pain, she wasn't sure. Either way, she'd made her sister proud.

Amy had been reunited with her parents, and Sophie during her years before the elite towers. Her younger sister had explained elfish ways to her parents, and they visited constantly.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, a hand lashed out, wrapping around Sophie's. Maya. "Nice work," she congratulated.

Heat rose to her face at the compliment. "He called me his girlfriend."

Her friend's expression morphed into rage. "He. Did. WHAT?" Her tiny fists at her sides curled into the proper stance, and she glanced at him on the ground, flipping him the middle finger and saying, "Go screw yourself, Sencen."

Figuring that Maya was ready to take out the knives, Sophie sighed. Her anger was already maxed out, and she was calming now. Tugging her friend's elbow, she gently guided the girl from the center of the crowd.

"How-how can you just...let him get away with this?" She demanded.

Sophie's face was a calm mask, something she'd mastered over the years. "I didn't," she whispered, only loud enough for her and Maya to hear. "Let's just say that I kicked him hard in a spot that he shouldn't have been kicked in, and cursed at him in front of a crowd. I told him that we're over—we're done. He can go screw himself for all I care." I actually do care, though, she thought. It wasn't a choice, and she was trying to lose all connections, but she did care about him.

Whispers among the cafetorium were passed along, glances stolen at the girl that had kicked the most popular guy in the balls, hard. Rumors spread like the Black Death, little rats spreading the disease.

Sophie just shrugged it all off. It was irrelevant to her. She was an elf—someone who could make them feel great pain and destroy their minds within minutes. Who was she to be scared of anything about them? As insecure as she was, Sophie had built up a wall around herself from the elves, not the humans. No humans' opinion mattered here unless it was her friends'.

Maya gaped. "In front of the crowd, you...Sophie!" She walked in front of her, looking her right in the eye. "You might as well have committed social suicide!"

"If you don't want to hang out with me, it's fine, Maya," Sophie said angrily, starting to rip the sweatshirt off of herself. She didn't need anyone's help.

Maya stopped her. "No...I didn't mean it like that." She grinned. "You're cool. I like hanging out with you. Nobody...I don't have any friends because I'm considered one of those people that are dangerous, and you're fitting right in."

"Oh." She slipped back into the sweatshirt, looking at the girl tentatively. "So...I don't know, best friends, then?"

"Rebels always stick together," her friend agreed. "I've got your back, girl. Besides, I bet people already know what you've done and that we're hanging out. It's gonna give you a reputation that screams danger, something that will keep you from getting suckers as friends." She gestured to the nearby group of girls that she distinguished as popular, with matching tops, giggles, and glares sent towards the both of them.

"Sounds good."

"The little bastards," Maya remarked, still talking about the popular girls.

Sophie cracked a smile. She put her hand on her hip. "Tell me, does this cafeteria have any edible food?"

An eyebrow was cocked. "It's a cafeteria, isn't it? Think you'd like to try the wonderful 'mystery meat'?"


"Then Panera it is," Maya declared, grabbing Sophie's arm and dragging her away.


" like Panera?" Sophie guessed. They were seated in a booth, slurping soups.

"They've got good vegetarian stuff," she said with a shrug.

The corners of Sophie's mouth twitched. "'re a vegetarian?"

"Got a problem with that?" Maya inquired, loudly slurping her soup. In spite of her bold statement and nonchalance, a hint of a blush stole her cheeks, giving away her true emotions.

"No problem," she said, rushed. It wasn't a clever idea to get on this girl's bad side. "Just, I didn't picture a dangerous girl as a vegetarian."

"Which is why you're never mentioning this to anyone," Maya said.

"Aye, aye, captain," Sophie replied.

The girl across from her only raised an eyebrow, possibly questioning her own choice in friends.

She only shrugged, attempting to hide her smile, blinking innocently.


Author's Note-

Before we get to the book stuff, I just want to have a squeal moment. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I ACTUALLY MET SHANNON MESSENGER AND TALKED TO HER (relay that conversation to you in  a minute*) AND GOT NIGHTFALL SIGNED OOOOOOOOOOOOH YAASSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

* for all of my dedicated Sokeefe shippers, this was in honor of you, and my love for Keefe and Sokeefe* ~

I said: One request, please don't kill Keefe.

She just laughed. Shannon: I'll try my best not to. I think if I did, I would lose half of my fans.

Me: That's totally true.

I'm curious. What do you think of Maya so far? I quite like her personality myself. Do you all think Keefe deserves Sophie? 

Vote, comment, and read, please!

Owl~ xx

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