Chapter 15 -

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She lay awake, pondering what she was to do.

Did she love Keefe? It seemed like she'd never stopped. Sophie still got butterflies and tingles when she was around him, at his touch. He had the same effect he had years ago, that feeling that made her yearn for his touch when her mind hated him.

It was a battle between heart and brains. Her heart was telling her to go back to him, bury herself in his warmth. But her brain argued that she couldn't keep playing the game, and she should hate the player of it.

"Why does anyone need a brain again?" Sophie groaned aloud, flopping back again.

Oh, wait. She would be dead without one. Right.

She rubbed her temples hard, feeling her fingertips and forehead heat up from the friction. Her life was too ridiculously complicated.

The feeling killed her, knowing that she would eventually have to choose.

Sighing, she dialed Maya, the sound so quiet she almost didn't hear. When her new best friend picked up, she greeted her. "Hey, Maya."

"Ugh," Maya grumbled from the other side of the phone, "Why the heck are you calling me when it's this late? When I signed up to be your best friend, I didn't know I was going to have to wake up at two in the morning for it."

Sophie blinked, a blush creeping up her neck in her room at the words. "It's two? Oh, sorry. Just...I'm having a really hard time sleeping and I need some girl talk." It was why she hadn't called Dex.

"What about?" Shuffling from the other side of the phone indicated that she was sitting up.

"I don't know what to do," Sophie confessed. "I don't think I ever stopped loving him, but I can't help but feel that he's going to hurt me. I don't know whether to go after him or not."

Maya sighed. "Wow, okay. Look, have you been happy without him in your life those past six years?"

"I thought he was dead, so I was grieving, do you think I was happy?" She snapped, then cover her mouth at the slip she'd made.

"You thought he was dead? Oh my god, no wonder you were so furious with him!"

"Yeah." Sophie pulled out an eyelash. "I...everything reminded me of him, and I actually moved here to get away from all of the memories."

"So, was there anything you regretted not doing with him for the past six years?" Maya sounded intrigued. "Anything at all?"

She hadn't thought about it at all, actually. She'd been too busy putting her walls, making sure that she wouldn't let anyone in ever again.

Hesitantly, Sophie took the phone from her ear and stared at it, not ready to admit the first answer that'd come to mind. Then she gathered up the courage. "I regretted not letting him kiss me more."

Silence from the other side of the phone as her friend comprehended her words.

"I regret not spending more time with him, not willing to go fast. It was my first relationship, love, everything, Maya. I wasn't used to any of it, and I distanced myself from him when he came off too strong, knowing that he made me let my guard down too fast."

"Well, one thing's for sure," Maya replied, finally. "You're definitely still in love with him. If you're not happy without him, Sophie, you need to go after him. Don't let him get away—especially if he's willing to take another chance with you if you let him. I trust your judgement, even though I've just met you. You didn't fall in love with the douche side of him, is what it sounds like. You fell in love with the boy that's clearly in love with you as much as you are with him, so you might as well go for it." She took a deep breath. "Wow, that was a lot—but seriously, you should give yourself a chance at happiness, however much it hurts."

Sophie was silent for a moment, thinking about the words, and she realized that her best friend was right. If she wanted happiness for herself, she should take Maya's advice. She owed it to herself.

But she'd already refused his offer when he asked her. It would be pretty embarrassing to say yes right after she'd said no.


Author's Note -

'Sup, guys. I know, I know, this update is soooooo late. I'm so sorry about that. For those of you that commented on my last chapter saying to update, you weren't being annoying, you were keeping me on schedule. If it's been a week and I haven't updated, please do go ahead and comment for me to, it keeps me on track.

What did you all think of this chapter? 

I bet some of you had the reaction above--I know I sure did, to some extent. But the question is, how's this going to work? How will she get him back? I'm just teasing you, I'm sorry, I'm evil. You'll have to wait 'til next Fridaaaaaaaay.

Love you--I really appreciate all of the support, guys.

Owl ~

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