Chapter 3-

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"Six?" Maya gasped. "Wow, no wonder you have a grudge against him."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to feel," she admitted softly, leaning against the wall of the stall for support. "Right when I saw him, I just panicked."

"You shouldn't know what to feel," the girl said. "I sure wouldn't." She held out a hand. "Want to go back to class? Ms. Moore will let me and you switch seats. She's super nice."

Sophie let out a sniff before nodding. Accepting Maya's hand, she let her drag her to her feet and lead her from the bathroom.

"Wait," Maya said suddenly. They were stopped at a couple of the lockers. "You need to change out of that shirt, like, now." She expertly pulled out a sweatshirt with a hood. "Perfect." She handed the sweatshirt to Sophie.

"You're a lifesaver, Maya," Sophie sighed, pulling it over her snot-stained shirt.

"You know it," the black-haired girl only said, with a wink.

Then they continued to class.

Maya glanced at her, scanning her. "You ready to go in?"

Sophie stared at the door, swallowing hard. "Yeah, I'm ready."

With that, her new friend let them both in, drawing the attention of everyone in the class.

"Sorry that I was gone so long, Ms. Moore," Maya apologized to the teacher. "Sophie here needed a companion." Her attention switched to her staring classmates, and her gaze sharpened. "What are y'all lookin' at?" Sass.

The minute she said it, most of them looked away. The only few left staring were a few of the popular guys. Or at least, that's what she thought.

"Sophie and I were wondering if we could switch seats." Maya went on. "She isn't keen on sitting with him." She pointed her finger accusingly at Keefe.

"Keefe?" The teacher asked, her tone full of surprise. Her gaze flickered to Sophie, and you could tell that she took the hint. "Um, alright, I guess."

"Thanks," Sophie whispered softly, her backpack still slung over her shoulder. She then turned to her new friend. "I'll see you after class?"

"Count on it," Maya nodded.

Sophie walked over to her seat.

Apparently, the math class had been taking notes.

Guess I have to get those later, Sophie thought, whipping out a sheet of paper and a pencil from her bag. She took notes for the remainder of class.

... (again, time skip...)

Lunchtime. Joy.

Sophie scanned the cafeteria, her eyes settling on Maya. Maybe she could get a seat at their table, since there were none that were empty. The table was in a corner, as far away as Keefe's as you could get.

She started toward the table, but got cut off by Keefe grabbing her arm. "Foster!"

She instantly jerked her arm from his grasp. "Don't touch me," she hissed.

A pained expression came over his face. "Please, Sophie, I can explain."

"You should have thought of that six years ago, idiot!" He had no right to feel hurt by her actions. She had every right to feel this way.

"Please, Sophie," he pleaded.

"No," she replied stubbornly, her voice growing louder as it was hard. "You threw away that chance when you left!"

They were gathering a crowd now. It wasn't surprising that Keefe was popular, but Sophie despised the fact. He didn't deserve to be liked.

Remember the guys that Sophie'd distinguished as popular? Yeah, they came over.

"Yo, Keefe, who's this?" Some burly guy asked. He was hot, with muscles that were huge.

"My girlfriend," he said boldly. Mistake. Big mistake.

And Sophie's rage exploded. She kicked him in the balls. Hard. "I'm far from your girlfriend, you f******* little liar!"

Shock resonated from every face in the crowd, but she didn't care at all. Guess no one had thought anyone had the guts to kick 'Mr. Perfect' in the nuts. Well, too bad. Sucks to be him.

Keefe doubled over, clutching his groin. "Ow!"

"If you think that you still have a girlfriend after flirting and possibly doing more with many of the girls at this school, your girlfriend needs to get her head out of her butt," she spat angrily. "If you think you still have me as a girlfriend after six years of not seeing me, six years when you never called, you might as well be desperate, Keefe. Someone like me deserves someone better than you!" Her heart pounded. She couldn't believe she was doing this. "You.... you are a piece of garbage that needs to be deposited in a dumpster."

His friends were only next to the crowd now, looking amused. Sick.

"Also, Keefe?" She asked before walking away. "Your friends are pretty trashy too! At least back at home, you had friends that you could count on to stick up for you."

Judging from his friends' faces, she'd hit them pretty hard with her words.

Sophie smiled—not even smugly—then waltzed out.


Author's Note

Hey! So what do you all think of Maya? And what's your newfound opinion of Keefe? Does Sophie deserve better?

If you'd been in Sophie's position, what would you have done? I would've found myself doing pretty much exactly what she did, just a little more...forcefully.

Vote & Comment  please, guys.

Owl~ xx

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