Chapter 18

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~Harry's POV~

I clutch my hands to the steering wheel as we speed along the highway. It probably wasn't a good idea to drive in a sports car because now every possible girl is screaming at me, I just wanted to impress Zoey...

"So where are we going?" She asks with a perky voice.

"I told you, it's a surprise." I steal a quick glance at her from behind my Ray Bans and smile.

"Fine, I guess I'll have to start guessing. Um... The mall?" I shake my head, no,"The beach?"

"I'm not going to tell you even if you get it right."

"I bet it's the beach, we've been driving along the coast the whole way." She points to the miles of beach that we're only yards away from. Darn, I should've taken a less obvious route,"Okay, you got me!"

"Yay! So we are going to the beach!" I nod my head at her. I switch on my turn signal and move into the left lane, taking the turn to Santa Monica beach. I effortlessly pull into the parking lot and secure a spot in the shade. There aren't as many people here as I thought. Maybe ten or more cars, so the beach won't be super crowded. I turn the key with a flick of my wrist and switch off the engine, letting the car purr to a stop. I push open the car door and hop out onto the asphalt.

"I hope your ready to get dunked." I smile at Zoey as she climbs out of the car.

"I'm actually not allowed to go swimming..." She brings her hand up to her elbow and looks away from me.

"Really? Doctor's orders or can you just not swim?" I smirk at her as I go around to the back of the car and pop the trunk open.

"I can swim you dork," she protests at me,"doctor's orders. Since I'm starting chemo soon." She gives me a little punch in the arm.

"Ow, woah woah, keep those knuckles put away little missy." I put up my hands defensively and earn a giggle in response. I pull two yellow towels out from the trunk and hand one to Zoey. My eyes slowly travel up to meet hers, locking our gaze. I study her face, her eyes are soft as they lock with mine. Maybe I should kiss her? Should I?

She smiles and moves her eyes down to look at the ground. I turn one corner of my mouth up in a half smile unknowingly. I turn away from her, bringing one hand up to my hair, pushing it back. I push the trunk closed while Zoey rummages through her bag.

"Harry?" Zoey asks.

"Yup," I say a little too enthusiastically while I turn to face her.

"Stop flirting with me," she says with a slight smirk.

"So. Tell me, how does the sand feel under your toes?" I ask Zoey as we tread onto the scolding sand. She lets one of her wispy laughs spill out of her mouth, god, I love her laugh,"It's hotter than I expected," she smiles up at me, squinting at the sun.

"That's the point!" I smile at her as I out my arm around the middle of her back and give her a little squeeze. I let my arm fall back at my side as we continue to stride further onto the beach.

"Right here is perfect!" Zoey exclaims as she straightens out the towel over the patch of sand shes selected.

"Perfect to watch the sunset," I smile as I sit down next to her.

"The sunset isn't for another three hours."


"Harry," she giggles a little,"you're making no sense!" I smile at her, while staring at her, I'm really trying my best not to be creepy...

"Hey Zoe? Can I call you Zoe?" I ask her.

"Of course."

"Good... Can I tell you something?"

"Sure. As long as it's not something about how your hiding bodies in your basement because if that's the case I don't want to know!" She laughs as she finishes her sentence. I throw my head back as I laugh at her response,"How'd you know?" I give her a really serious convincing look. I watch her eyes go wide as I hold her gaze. I commence laughing again and place my hand on her shoulder,"Zoe I'm just kidding!" She smiles at me... And then punches me in the arm.

"Ugh! Harry! Stop messing with me!"

"I thought we talked about keeping your fists away!"

"They have little fist minds of their own."

"What am I gonna do with you?" I turn to face her, while giving her a big, toothy grin. This time, she holds my gaze,"I don't know, but you can start by telling me whatever it was you were saying before we found out what was in your basement." She laughs under her breath as she turns away from me. Her hand, is so perfectly placed in between us, it's like she's asking me to, reach out and... Hold it. I stare at her hand until she breaks the silence,"So? Don't keep me hanging Harry!"

"Oh right," I run my fingers through my hair, I let out a heavy laugh,"the moment is kind of gone..."

"I don't believe in perfect timing, anytime is as good as any."

"Fine, than you can't judge me for bad timing."

"I promise. And you can never judge me for bad timing either. Promise?" She sticks up her pinky and holds it towards me. I link my pinky with hers,"Promise."

"So, now you have to tell me! Stop avoiding it!"

"Okay, okay! I won't," I take a deep breath as I prepare to let go of these few words,"Zoey... I really like you..." I slowly take my eyes away from the towel and look at her. Her eyes are even softer than usual, and her face just looks... Perfect. This... This, is the right moment. I lean closer to her, over the small space that separates us from each other. She leans in to, so I'm not wrong this is the right moment. I turn my head to the left slightly and let my lips meet hers. Our lips move with eachother... This is perfect... I bring my hands to the small of her back and pull her into me. She leans into me and brings her hands up into my hair. We stay that way for what only seems like a few moments until she pushes me away. I let go of her and stare at her while our faces come away from each other.

"No... No. This didn't happen." She stutters as she quickly stands up and stumbles around.

"Zoe what's wrong?" I ask panicked. I stand up and try to put my hand on her shoulder but she pushes them off.

"Don't call me Zoe!" She yells as she turns away from me. I run after her and catch up with her,"What did I do wrong? I thought you wanted me to kiss you! Oh god I messed up! I'm sorry Zoey! Can we just forget about this?!"

"Harry, stop, stop," she puts her hands up and stops walking,"you didn't do anything wrong. I wanted you to kiss me."

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