Chapter 7

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I've been walking for what seems like forever.

I haven't found any doors yet, meaning no rooms to hide in.

I begin to get ridiculously tired, ( stupid cancer)...

I grasp at a wall and place my back to it, I let myself slide down until I hit the floor. Your emotions always seem more dramatic if you do that.

Louis is a jerk. I mean, I already knew that they were probably going to be snobby jerks.

I didn't think they were going to be this bad though...

I guess people are always jerks though. Nobody knows how to act decent and polite anymore.

I'm not much better, but I would never say something like Louis just said.

" Zoey?" I whip around and see Harry coming towards me.

" What do you want?" I roll my eyes at him.

" I wanted to see if you were okay. You kinda stormed off..."

" Yeah, I'm just dandy. I mean, after you knocked me to the ground and Louis said that."

I begin to get up and walk down the hall.

I don't know where I'm going but anywhere is better than here.

" Where are you going?" Harry says as he catches up to me.

" I don't know... Somewhere. Why do you care?"

" I just..."

" You just feel bad for me. Is that what you were going to say?" I cross my arms and stare at him.

Harry opens his mouth but closes it again.

I begin to walk the opposite way.

" Lou is really sorry." Harry places his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

" I'm sure he is." I shake his hand off my shoulder and glare at him.

" Seriously! Just come back to the dressing room with me!"

" That sounds slightly creepy."

Harry smiles at my weird remark.

I really don't like Harry, but if I walk back that way I might run into my mom. Which would mean I can get out of this terrible place.

We walk in silence back to the dressing room.

I really hate these boys. They are snobbish jerks. They get around by their looks.

Liam is my favorite and I don't even like him at all.

I still don't know why I care. These boys don't matter to me at all, I didn't give a poop about them before and I give less of one now.

We finally reach the dressing room.

I don't want to go in there at all.

I quickly glance up and down the hall, looking for my mom.

I don't see her anywhere.

So I guess I have to be miserable for awhile.

We open the dressing room door and I see four heads turn towards me.

I see Louis' face flush with relief.

" Zoey! I am so sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" Louis stands up and begins to walk towards me.

I hold my hands up to stop him.

" It's okay. Before I had cancer I assumed everyone who had it was bald too." I give Louis a reassuring smile.

I sit down in a chair, a little ways away from all of the boys.

I have no idea what to talk about with them.

I might be more talkative if all of that hadn't just happened.

" So are you coming to the concert tonight?" Niall breaks the silence.

" Maybe. I don't really know yet..." I smile at him.

" Well we want you to come!" Liam grins at me.

Okay so now Liam and Niall are my favorite.

" I guess I could come..."

" Yay! You would be backstage though so you don't get trampled by fans." Niall cheers.

" Ooooooo, I'm all fancy." I say in a deep sarcastic voice.

All the boys give me very weird looks.

" Don't tell me that I'm the only weird one here."

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